The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Key Conn. connection­s in Trump saga

- By Dan Freedman

When the history of President Donald Trump’s tumultuous first term is written, there will be plenty of characters with Connecticu­t connection­s. Here are some main players:


A Russianspe­aking daughter of immigrants who landed in Connecticu­t, Yovanovitc­h attended the Kent School and Princeton and rose in the U.S. foreign service to become a career ambassador. Trump, in his now infamous call to Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelinskiy, said she was “bad news” when she was U.S. ambassador to Ukraine. Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has blocked efforts to persuade Ukraine to investigat­e Democratic presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden and his son. Yovanovitc­h is scheduled to testify Friday before a joint session of three House committees.


The Groton resident, currently the U.S. attorney

for Connecticu­t, was tagged by Attorney General William Barr to head up a probe of the origins of the Mueller investigat­ion — which Democrats see as a thinlyveil­ed Trump effort to prove Robert Mueller’s RussiaTrum­p probe was a “setup.” Barr and Durham recently traveled to Rome in pursuit of evidence about Joseph Mifsud, the mysterious source of the allegation that Russia had a stash of Hillary Clinton emails — an allegation that eventually found its way to the FBI. Critics see it as a thoroughly political effort to whitewash Trump and possibly smear the Bidens. Mifsud is in hiding.


Sits in a federal jail cell serving a 71⁄2yearsente­nce for tax fraud, money laundering and failure to register as a foreign agent. The case against the scion of a powerful Republican family in New Britain hinged on his work for the proRussia political party in Ukraine that got chased from power in 2014. The Trump team is trying to prove Ukrainians cooperatin­g with Democrats leaked documents in order to embarrass Trump at a time when Manafort was the president’s 2016 campaign manager.


Norwalk native and longtime Republican operative and Trump pal, Stone brought Manafort into the Trump camp. Stone was the closest thing Trump had to an emissary to WikiLeaks, which blasted Russianhac­ked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee out on the Internet. Mueller’s team indicted Stone on charges of lying to Congress and investigat­ors about his WikiLeaks connection­s.


Greenwich High School lacrosse cocaptain and former model, Hicks parlayed a position with Ivanka Trump’s fashion line into a job as Trump spokeswoma­n, confidante, strategist and interprete­r. Hicks served as Trump spokeswoma­n during the campaign and followed him to the White House, where she seemed to walk gracefully on water as everyone else around her seemed panicstric­ken. She told the House Judiciary Committee she knew nothing of the Stormy Daniels payoff when, in fact, an FBI affidavit shows her intimately involved — even patching through a call from Trump to lawyerfixe­r Michael Cohen. Hicks left the White House in 2018 to take a job in Los Angeles with Fox corporate communicat­ions.


Norwalk native served on the Trump campaign and as a Trump White House spokesman until he departed, like Hicks, for a corporate job at Fox this past July. He also latched on to Trump during the campaign and rode with him into the White House. He helped marshal the media strategy for Brett Kavanaugh’s Senate confirmati­on hearings last year. But his first turn at the White House podium turned into a food fight as angry reporters wrangled with him over contradict­ory statements on Rob Porter, a nowdeparte­d White House official (and onetime boyfriend of Hicks) accused of abuse by two exwives.


WWE cofounder who contribute­d $7 million plus in 2016 along with husband Vince to Trumprelat­ed SuperPACs. Now she heads one herself, the America First Action PAC. Between those bookends, she served as Trump’s first Small Business Administra­tion chief.


A Redding resident, his conservati­ve views on CNBC prompted Trump to appoint him chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. He’s been Trump’s leading economic cheerleade­r, ready to cite helpful statistics on job and business growth to show the president is getting results. But he was all thumbs on reporter questions about China trade talks and Trump’s demand that China investigat­e the Bidens.


The U.S. senator’s trip to Ukraine in late August proved prophetic. Murphy suggested to Ukrainian President Zelinskiy that on diplomatic matters, he should forget about Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and just deal with the U.S. embassy. But he’s also negotiatin­g with Trump over new gun legislatio­n.


Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, voted against confirmati­on of two Trump Supreme Court picks as well as William Barr for attorney general. Pursuing lawsuit based on Constituti­on’s emoluments clause, charging Trump D.C. hotel income from foreign leaders, delegation­s, is illegal without Congressio­nal approval. Trump has targeted Blumenthal for misstateme­nts about serving in Vietnam as a Marine.


Member of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, which is taking the lead on Ukrainerel­ated matters as part of the House impeachmen­t inquiry.

 ??  ?? Durham
 ??  ?? Yovanovitc­h
 ??  ?? Stone
 ??  ?? Shah
 ??  ?? McMahon
 ??  ?? Hicks
 ??  ?? Manafort

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