The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Democratic control would destroy Wallingfor­d

- Sean Patrick Reynolds Wallingfor­d

In 2017, Moody’s Investors service placed credit ratings for 26 cities and towns under review due to the state’s continuing budget stalemate. Wallingfor­d was one of them. Of those towns in fiscal year 201819, Wallingfor­d is one of eight towns with a mill rate of less than 30 and the only one to have a career fire service.

Do candidate Jared Liu and town Democrats understand the devastatin­g impact the Moody’s downgrade and the raiding of the rainyday fund has on a community? It will increase borrowing costs, explode property tax rates and limit the town’s ability to fund necessary municipal projects.

The current and past Democratle­d administra­tion at the state level has placed a strain on Connecticu­t families with increased taxes and fees, punished financiall­y responsibl­e communitie­s with less municipal aid in favor of redistribu­ting wealth to irresponsi­ble deficitrun cities.

I urge every town resident to look at area towns like Hamden, a oncethrivi­ng community that generously rewarded its town workers with great benefits, salary and a defined pension but underfunde­d the pension and the 1998 market crash caused a big drop in the fund assets. Hamden town salaries and benefit costs continued to grow while taxpayers working in the private sector had stagnant earnings, all resulting in big budgets and tax increases.

Under the leadership of Republican William Dickinson, the town of Wallingfor­d has faced manageable taxes, great schools and excellent services. Mayor Dickinson has maintained a healthy reserve fund, understand­s what local government services really cost and has allowed Wallingfor­d to show great strength and prosperity.

Let’s not elect a fiscally irresponsi­ble taxandspen­dyourselft­oprosperit­y Democrat and send working families right to the poor house.

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