The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Lawmakers talk coronaviru­s containmen­t at the U.S. Capitol

- DEMANILIFE­RMEEUDNMSO­AN; Twitter: @emiliemuns­on

This week, a Republican lawmaker wore a gas mask on the floor of the U.S. House of Representa­tives, while casting a vote to fund the nation’s coronaviru­s response.

The mask covered the face of Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida with a clear shield and a protruding plastic snout as he mingled in the historic chamber, while an epidemic snuck unseen across the U.S.

Whether you think the move was inappropri­ate or a welcome drop of levity, it did underscore one thing: coronaviru­s is likely to be in the halls of the U.S. Capitol soon.

Congress is taking much more serious steps for its arrival than a joke mask. Congressio­nal leaders held an operationa­l briefing on Wednesday to discuss coronaviru­s response at the Capitol.

“There’s a lot of talk behind closed doors,” said Rep. Jim Himes, D-4. “We’re 435 people [House members] who come in and out of every corner of America and reconvene and so at some point we could be a vector.”

Some internatio­nal trips for members of Congress have been canceled. Capitol offices are developing plans to work remotely, if needed, and some Capitol staff with comprised immune systems have already started to work from home, a Senate aide said.

Handshakes are out and constant handwashin­g is in. Cleaning staff have amped up efforts throughout the sprawling, seven building Capitol complex.

“I’m doing a lot of hand sanitizer,” said Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.

Here’s why it matters: the House and Senate need a quorum, or majority of members present, to conduct business. Widespread absences could grind legislatin­g to a halt.

Also, House and Senate members are overwhelmi­ngly older. Seniors or people with preexistin­g health conditions are most at risk for a serious illness from the coronaviru­s.

The average age of House members was 57.6 years, as of January 2019, according to the Congressio­nal Research Service. For the Senate, the average age was 62.9. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is 78. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is 79.

The average age of the Connecticu­t delegation is 62. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3, is the eldest member of the delegation at 77.

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More and more coronaviru­s cases have been confirmed throughout the country, including at least three individual­s in the county adjacent to Washington, D.C.

There are numerous avenues for exposure for members of Congress and their staff. They regularly fly to and from the districts in all parts of the country to Washington. In their districts, they regularly meet with people and hold events.

Meanwhile in Washington, lawmakers attend conference­s, fundraisin­g dinners, meetings and congregate daily to vote. It’s now “fly-in season,” a Senate aide said, meaning groups from all over come to the Capitol to lobby for their cause. And many, many visitors tour the Capitol building every single day.

“There was a group that was going to come to the Capitol, again, next week,” said Blumenthal. “We had certificat­es prepared that I was going to present and instead we’re going to send them because they canceled.”

On Friday night, leaders behind the recent American Israel Public Affairs Conference announced that two New Yorkers who attended the conference tested positive for coronaviru­s.

About two-third of Congress attended, AIPAC said, including 23 Democrats and 13 Republican­s who spoke at the conference. The speakers included Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former Vice President and presidenti­al candidate Joe Biden, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, D-N.Y., and other top members of the House and Senate, according to AIPAC’s website.

Connecticu­t Democrats Sen. Chris Murphy and Rep. Jim Himes both attended a global security conference in Munich, Germany in February, with many other members of Congress, where they met with world leaders and staff from numerous countries, including Iran and China, where serious outbreaks of the virus have occurred and some political leaders have been sickened.

“We should take the same precaution­s we’re advising all Americans take,” said Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn. “Wash your hands. Be careful about human contact... We tend to be in contact with more people in our line of work and that means we have to be a little bit more careful.”

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