The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Rememberin­g why America is great


Thanksgivi­ng is a time to thank God for 244 years of liberty under a constituti­onal government, “of the people, by the people and for the people.” The signers of the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce knew that our rights come from God, not the state. Although our national motto is “In God we trust,” some people don’t give God a second thought. It seems as if there is an allergy to the Bible. And the Decalogue, when printed in stone, is seldom viewed. The media just doesn’t mention God very much.

Instead, we hear about mass shootings, violence, deconstruc­tion of the Second Amendment and a philosophy of indifferen­ce. We have problems, but America is still a great nation and we don’t hear much about this either.

If we look to other countries, we are reminded of pagan Adolf Hitler’s Thousand Year Reich which lasted 12 years. Millions of innocent people were killed in this nightmare. The French Revolution illustrate­s the instabilit­ies of government. Since 1789, there have been three republics, three monarchies, two empires, the Vichy Regime and the present regime of Mr. Macron. Let us not forget the delusions of atheists Marx and Lenin with the classless society and workers’ paradise, or Stalin’s Great Terror, that took millions of lives in the Soviet Union. These tragedies lasted 70 years. Pagans, atheists, killings, nightmares, instabilit­y, delusions, terror and tragedy.

Our history reminds us that great liberties have been bought with blood by people that pledged their lives, fortunes and honor. They fought revolution­s and died for the right to be called a citizen. The result is cities and towns that are welded together into one great nation — America.

John Adams told us that the general principles on which the founders achieved independen­ce were the principles of Christiani­ty. In a letter to Thomas Jefferson, Adams stated, “Without religion this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company.” We are a great nation, of many faiths, and as we raise our glasses this Thanksgivi­ng, let us remember God and ask that He bless America.

Carol Schneider Milford

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