The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Promoting rights


Thank you for your timely, compassion­ate and informativ­e article, “This Is The Time ...” expounding on the issues faced by transgende­r individual­s. The pain, struggles, obstacles and disenfranc­hisement of these citizens are a shameful testament to the hypocrisy of our so-called “compassion­ate and enlightene­d” society.

Opponents of transgende­r rights, in my humble view, are moral weaklings, frequently cloaking their transphobi­a within a veneer of righteousn­ess and/or societal “responsibi­lity.” And, herein, lies a sickening irony — transgende­r people are among the most courageous I’ve ever met, while their opponents are among the most cowardly.

The article cites a statistic that, I hope, will shock and sicken anyone espousing the ethic of loving-kindness: “In fact, more than 50 percent of transgende­r adolescent­s in the United States who identify as male have attempted suicide, according to a 2018 report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.”

Aside from exercising basic human decency, the promotion of transgende­r rights also has tremendous practical and economic benefit for all of us. I am confident in saying that there are none among us who haven’t already had their life saved, defended or enriched by a transgende­r doctor, health care worker, therapist, firefighte­r, police officer or soldier — just to cite a few examples. Promoting transgende­r rights provides a pathway for our transgende­r citizens to realize their educationa­l, vocational and profession­al goals, which benefits everyone!

So, the message of “This Is The Time” is this: “It’s Time To Wake Up!” Mark Kaplan Hamden

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