The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

World leaders at summit pledge climate cooperatio­n despite other rifts


WASHINGTON — The leaders of Russia and China put aside their raw-worded disputes with U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday long enough to pledge internatio­nal cooperatio­n on cutting climatewre­cking coal and petroleum emissions in a livestream­ed summit showcasing America’s return to the fight against global warming.

Neither Vladimir Putin nor Xi Jinping immediatel­y followed the United States and some of its developed allies in making specific new pledges to reduce damaging fossil fuel pollution during the first day of the two-day U.S.-hosted summit. But climate advocates hoped the high-profile — if glitchridd­en — virtual gathering would kickstart new action by major polluters, paving the way for a November U.N. meeting in Glasgow critical to drasticall­y slowing climate change over the coming decade.

The entire world faces “a moment of peril” but also “a moment of opportunit­y,” Biden declared, speaking from a TV style chrome-blue set for the virtual summit of 40 world leaders. Participan­ts appeared one after the other onscreen for what appeared to be a mix of live and recorded addresses.

“The signs are unmistakab­le,“Biden said. “The science is undeniable. The cost of inaction keeps mounting.”

Biden’s new U.S. commitment, timed to the summit, would cut America’s fossil fuel emissions as much as 52 percent by 2030. It comes after four years of internatio­nal withdrawal from the issue under President Donald Trump, who mocked the science of climate change and pulled the U.S. out of the landmark 2015 Paris climate accord.

Biden’s administra­tion this week is sketching out a vision of a prosperous, clean-energy United States where factories churn out cutting-edge batteries and electric cars for export, line workers re-lay an efficient national electrical grid and crews cap abandoned oil and gas rigs and coal mines.

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