The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Ways to get or stay healthy

- Dr. Michael Roizen Mike Roizen, M.D. is Chief Wellness Officer and Chair of Wellness Institute at Cleveland Clinic.

You know what you need to do in order to become or stay healthy. But consistent­ly making those smart choices — to exercise, skip dessert and get enough sleep — well, that can be tough. My commitment — some might say obsession — with living younger longer has made me acutely aware of how important it is to be able to stick to your resolution­s and plans for healthier living.

So I have devoted a section in my upcoming book “The Great Age Reboot” to the proven ways to successful­ly and consistent­ly make smart health choices. I hope you will give them a try — and if you lapse, try again. It may take some effort, but you are worth it!

No. 1. Give yourself the support you need. That means using technology to keep you aware of the choices you make. Track your steps, your heart rate, calories consumed, sleep quality, blood glucose — whatever needs attention and improvemen­t. It also means using your doctor as a resource to help build a health care team — a nutritioni­st, diabetes educator, exercise physiologi­st — you get the picture. They can help you reach your goals for a healthier you. Speaking of goals ...

No. 2. Set goals — and write them out. Post them where you see them multiple times a day. They could include the following:

— Blood pressure of less than 125 over 85

— A BMI of less than 27

— Fasting blood sugar of 106 mg/dL

— LDL cholestero­l of less than 70 mg/dL

— No cotinine in urine — Completion of a stress management program

No. 3. Enlist a buddy — or several. Sometimes it takes a village. Your tribe of supporters, and people you support, can help you stay on track by setting the same goals, checking in on how you are meeting yours, and offering support and encouragem­ent when times get tough.

Motivation theory shows that relatednes­s — being aligned with friends and supporters — is a major factor in successful­ly sustaining an effort to stay healthy over the long run.

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