The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Daughter gets jealous of her friend

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: I met my friend “Ashley” and her daughter three years ago. Our daughters are 9 years old. Ashley makes good money and is married. I’m a single mom. I do well as a registered nurse, but I’m not on her level when it comes to money.

Ashley buys her daughter, “Mimi,” a lot. Every time we go out, she buys Mimi something. If I buy a gift for my daughter for her birthday, Christmas, etc., Ashley buys the same thing for Mimi. I got my daughter into ice skating three years ago. Ashley then proceeded to buy her daughter profession­al ice skates, accessorie­s, skating costumes, private lessons and entered her in skate club, shows and competitio­ns.

Needless to say, my daughter is sometimes jealous of all the things Mimi gets. For me, it’s not about the money. It’s the principle that I’m not going to spoil my daughter like that. I remind my daughter she’s still more fortunate than a lot of other children and she should appreciate what she has.

Should I cut ties with Ashley? Should I mention my concerns to her?

Doing Well Enough

Dear Doing Well: I don’t think you or your daughter are overreacti­ng. In life, you will always encounter people who have more material things than you. Because this is happening regularly, I can see why your daughter feels as she does.

If it happened occasional­ly, I might respond differentl­y, but you wrote that this is a frequent occurrence. A conversati­on with Ashley is in order. If your relationsh­ip survives the conversati­on, consider socializin­g with her but doing your gift-buying privately.

Dear Abby: My mother and I have never had the best relationsh­ip. It has only gotten worse since my dad passed in 2020, followed by my brother, who passed in 2021. My uncle, Mom’s younger brother, also passed in 2021. My problem is that Mom acts like I have no right to grieve. This is all HER grief and HER pain — she has actually told me as much.

I’m seeing a counselor, but I’m having a hard time forgiving her behavior. I lost my father and my brother! Worse, she tells her friends I don’t care about these losses. Please advise.

Grieving And Heartbroke­n

Dear Grieving: Continue talking with your counselor not only about your sense of grief over the loss of your dad and your brother, but also about your relationsh­ip with your mother. I cannot decide whether she is deep into her own grief or simply so deep into HERSELF that she can’t relate to you. I am sorry you didn’t mention your age or whether you live with her, but it’s important that you work on becoming, at the very least, emotionall­y independen­t from her.

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