The Morning Call (Sunday)

Opponents of president are not ‘human scum’


I am a 78-year-old Republican who retired as a New York Police Department detective sergeant in 1983 with bachelor’s and master’s degrees, subsequent­ly creating two corporatio­ns and two side investment businesses, and retiring for the final time in 2015.

I don’t think I deserved to be called “human scum.” Neverthele­ss, Trump called me out along with 50 million-plus other Americans who disagreed with him, and he called us “Never Trumpers” and “human scum.”

I am confounded by Trump supporters who disregard the facts.

This was America, land of the free, a place where human rights were protected by law and the Constituti­on. Less so today.

The GOP has lost its platform to opportunis­ts, and the Democrats are flounderin­g as usual.

God help us.

Arthur Michell

Lower Macungie Township

exhausted’ by Trump,” Dec. 3, The Morning Call). Rather than trying to work toward solutions the conservati­ves have always professed to support, they have lambasted President Trump for his demeanor.

Give me a break. In the vernacular of real conservati­ves, Charlie, you’re a piece of work.

Tom Bennett


services, according to Sen. Jon Tester, ranking Democrat on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.

We have a commander-in-chief who uses veterans for political means rather giving them the treatment and services that they need. Shame on you, Mr. President. From a veteran.

George Myers


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