The Morning Call (Sunday)

Celebritie­s reveal new sides during lockdown

- By Mark Kennedy

Portia de Rossi has been teaching herself how to cook during the coronaviru­s lockdown. It’s been an eye-opening experience for the actress — and for her fans.

She’s cut herself and been burned, yes. She’s also discovered she doesn’t like some Indian flavors and that her longtime wife, talk show host Ellen Degeneres, isn’t a fan of curry and chickpeas.

“We’re learning a lot about each other in quarantine!” she admits on Instagram.

We are indeed learning a lot about each other these days, and that’s especially true with our celebritie­s. Social distancing has meant they have no army of publicists or glam squad. They’re bored and unfiltered — and often incredibly relatable.

Cardi B recently inexplicab­ly ran headfirst into a massive Jenga tower, and a daffy Madonna sang her hit “Vogue” into a hairbrush but changed the lyrics to include fried fish. Hillary Swank learned to crochet — and now has a new knit hat to prove it.

Ariana Grande showed off her natural hair, and Marlee Matlin put on her old wedding dress. “I’m losing my mind but what else is there to do?” she wrote.

Stuck inside, Justin Bieber reverted to a childhood objective. Clad in a onesie and a winter hat, the singer attempted a round of “The Floor Is Lava ” in his massive living room, leaping onto cushions, chairs, foot stools, two skateboard­s and a roller. The video has been seen over 9 million times.

“I think now people need the human touch even more, and I think celebritie­s really understand that,” says Neal Schaffer, a social media strategy consultant whose new book is ” The Age of Influence.” “People want to relate to real things, real people.”

While some influencer­s and stars continue to post a flood of flattering, carefully stage-managed images with every hair in place, others are indeed mirroring us — unshaven, unwashed and not ashamed.

“When I drink, I get really, really brilliant ideas,” the singer Pink confessed recently. “And last night, I got an idea — I can cut hair.” She then reveals some choppy, shaved spots on her head.

Celebritie­s, it turns out, really are just like us: They get drunk and do stupid stuff too. And they’re like us in another way too: Pink later announced that she also had contracted the virus.

The coronaviru­s has also unlocked places we never expected to go, like Selena Gomez’s bathroom and inside Broadway star Adrienne Warren’s bathtub. We’ve gotten to inspect Rosie O’Donnell’s messy garage/art studio.

Theater icon Patti LuPone was taking part in a livestream­ed benefit led by O’Donnell when theater fans grew enchanted by something they’d never seen before: Lupone’s cool basement. They could see a colorful, light-up vintage jukebox and a wall rack stacked with cassette tapes.

So LuPone leaned into the interest, later making little video tours on Twitter that include her subterrane­an one-armed bandit, a massage table, mementos, her desk and a pinball machine. “I have so much to show you,” she says.

Yuval Ben-Itzhak, the CEO of Socialbake­rs, a social media marketing company, has noticed the trend and encourages it. He suspects fans will reward the more honest of celebritie­s at the other end of this crisis.

“By giving their audience a glimpse into their lives — from showing their homes, their families or themselves looking casual, like people typically do at home — celebritie­s are likely to actually increase their engagement,” Ben-Itzhak says. “Users seem to really engage with natural, authentic-looking content, especially right now. It gives a feeling of ‘We’re all in this together.’ ”

We may be all in this together, but we’re not equal.

After all, celebs may be just like us, except they’re usually much richer.

The new intimate view we have of the famous reveals a chasm: Bieber’s living room is large enough to fit several regular living rooms. Not everyone can self-isolate on a yacht.

A few weeks into the virus’s onslaught in America, some commentato­rs had soured on the shenanigan­s of celebritie­s. “I don’t care what celebs are doing in their mansions,” one wrote on Instagram. Another posted a warning: “Funny how irrelevant they become when real problems curse us.”

The first real sign that celebrity exposure was curdling was when “Wonder Woman” star Gal Gadot led a singalong of

“Imagine” with such stars as James Marsden, Zoe Kravitz, Amy Adams and Mark Ruffalo. Pushback came quickly, with some commentato­rs calling it “cringewort­hy” and “out of touch.” They asked for donations, not songs.

Akshaya Sreenivasa­n, a social media marketing expert at

Texas A&M University’s Mays Business School, says as the COVID-19 crisis drags on, celebritie­s are bound to face more online hate.

“Even Oprah is not going to be immune,” she says. “The big guys in Hollywood are going to be shredded to pieces, especially if they continue to post on Instagram, ‘Oh my God, I’m so bored. I’m drinking martinis in my private pool.’ ”

Sreenivasa­n anticipate­s some celebs will lose followers if they continue posting without sensitivit­y to the losses outside their mansions.

And she thinks many will open their wallets to compensate for all the years of Instagram glam. “They need to do something to protect that brand,” she says.

There’s also danger if celebritie­s unartfully choose to profit off the virus. Social media experts warn that this may not be the time to be pushing products for gain.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson walks toward that line when he relentless­ly floods his Instagram account to highlight and hype the brand of tequila he owns.

Despite this new and unvarnishe­d look at celebs and the pushback it has triggered, Sreenivasa­n is skeptical that anything will really change once normal life resumes.

“We’ve had this conversati­on forever,” she says. “We’re going to move on until the next problem comes, and we’ll have this inequality conversati­on again.”

 ?? MATT SAYLES/INVISION 2018 ?? Singer Pink said, “When I drink, I get really, really brilliant ideas,” and then showed off her DIY haircut.
MATT SAYLES/INVISION 2018 Singer Pink said, “When I drink, I get really, really brilliant ideas,” and then showed off her DIY haircut.
 ?? RICHARD SHOTWELL/INVISION ?? The coronaviru­s has also unlocked places we never expected to go, like Selena Gomez’s bathroom.
RICHARD SHOTWELL/INVISION The coronaviru­s has also unlocked places we never expected to go, like Selena Gomez’s bathroom.
 ?? RICHARD SHOTWELL/INVISION ?? Portia de Rossi is learning how to cook — and posting her results on Instagram.
RICHARD SHOTWELL/INVISION Portia de Rossi is learning how to cook — and posting her results on Instagram.

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