The Morning Call (Sunday)

Northampto­n County fuel assistance


The Northampto­n County Area Agency on Aging has begun the Emergency Fuel Assistance Program. This program is for once-a-season fuel assistance of $380.

In order to be eligible, an individual needs to be 60 or older, reside in Northampto­n County, and have already applied for and received or been denied Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program benefits. Their fuel tank needs to be at one-eighth full or less. For assistance with gas or electric heat, a shut-off notice is required.

To apply, contact the Northampto­n County Informatio­n & Referral Emergency Services at 610-559-3270.

When a referral is received, a Northampto­n County Area Agency on Aging care manager will contact the individual by phone to determine eligibilit­y.

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