The Morning Call (Sunday)

Social Security, Medicare are on November’s ballot

- Paul Krugman Krugman is a columnist for The New York

A few days ago, the Biden administra­tion released its budget proposal for the 2025 fiscal year (which begins in October). Given that Republican­s control the House, this budget isn’t going to happen, so it serves mainly as a statement of principles and intent.

But that doesn’t make the budget irrelevant. It clearly signaled Democrats’ vision for the future — in particular, their belief that we can preserve the solvency of Social Security and Medicare by raising taxes on high incomes rather than by cutting benefits. And it draws a stark contrast with the vision of Donald Trump, who appeared to say during an interview with CNBC that he would seek to cut those programs.

I’ll come back to the question of what Trump meant by his remarks and, more important, what he might actually do if he returns to power. First, however, let’s talk about President Joe Biden’s position.

You might be tempted to dismiss Biden’s assurances on safety net programs as boilerplat­e; don’t Democrats always promise to protect Social Security and Medicare?

But Biden has staked out a significan­tly stronger position than that of Barack Obama, who, as president, all too often seemed to be in the intellectu­al thrall of those I used to call the Very Serious People, opinion leaders who a decade ago dominated inside-the-Beltway discourse and were obsessed with entitlemen­t reform — which effectivel­y meant cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Obama’s 2014 fiscal year budget teased entitlemen­t reform to the point that even Republican John Boehner, then House speaker, was prompted to say Obama “does deserve some credit for some incrementa­l entitlemen­t reforms that he has outlined in his budget.”

Biden is saying that none of this is necessary. This is a significan­t move to the left — although it’s also a move to the center, in the sense that voters never agreed with the elite convention­al wisdom that benefits must be cut and a majority consistent­ly says the rich don’t pay enough in taxes.

What explains this toughening up of the Democratic position? For one thing, entitlemen­t programs look a lot more fiscally sustainabl­e than they used to.

A decade ago, projection­s of spending generally assumed that health care costs would continue their historical pattern of rising much faster than gross domestic product, making Medicare and other health programs increasing­ly unaffordab­le. In fact, however, Medicare costs, in particular, have been rising much less than expected. We don’t know exactly why, although cost reduction efforts in the Affordable Care Act probably played a role.

We still have an aging population, which means a rising ratio of retirees receiving benefits to workers paying taxes; the Congressio­nal Budget Office expects combined spending on Social Security and Medicare to rise by about 3 percentage points of GDP over the next 20 years. But this cost rise, while not small, is moderate enough that it could be offset with higher revenues.

At the same time, the Very Serious People have lost much of their influence. Their repeated prediction­s of fiscal crisis kept not coming true.

What about Trump? Here’s what he said: “There is a lot you can do in terms of entitlemen­ts, in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlemen­ts.” If you have trouble parsing that, it’s not you; it’s him. Trump sounded to me like a student who didn’t do the reading, trying to bluff his way through an essay question. Incidental­ly, Social Security sees very little fraud, and if Medicare is badly managed, how has it become so effective at cost control?

Trump gives no indication here that he really knows what he’s talking about. What that could mean in practice, however, is that if he gets back to the White House, he’ll do for Social Security and Medicare what he did in his almost successful attempt to replace Obamacare: leave the drafting of legislatio­n to right-wing ideologues who do understand how the programs work — and who want to gut them.

One final point: Trump’s plan for a draconian crackdown on immigratio­n would be a disaster on many fronts, but one important considerat­ion is that it would have a catastroph­ic impact on the future finances of Social Security and Medicare. Why? Because at this point, immigratio­n is crucial for growth in the working-age population, whose taxes support retirees.

So will Social Security and Medicare be on the ballot this November? Definitely. Biden has a clear plan to preserve these programs; Trump, wittingly or unwittingl­y, would probably help wreck them.

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