The Morning Call (Sunday)

Princess of Wales mess should terrify brands on social media

- By Beth Kowitt

A big powerful organizati­on with a carefully manufactur­ed image gets embroiled in a conspiracy theory about one of its most beloved and valuable brand ambassador­s. To try to quell the uproar, said organizati­on takes to its social feeds. But when those posts turn out not to be the full story, the conspiracy mushrooms, sparking even more intense scrutiny and mass intrigue.

We are, of course, talking about Kensington Palace’s Princess Catherine crisis (because who isn’t). But the British monarchy is essentiall­y a massive global brand — there’s a reason it’s known as the Firm — and the mess it finds itself in right now should be a warning to any business that thinks it can control its own messaging.

What turned the most casual royal watchers into crazed profession­al internet sleuths is the now-infamous photo that was posted by the Prince and Princess of Wales’ handle on X (formerly Twitter) on March 10. The image of Kate with her three children was meant to quell questions over the health of the princess, who hadn’t been seen in public since December.

Instead, the obviously doctored photo only set off more alarm bells. The explanatio­n that Kate had been the one to alter the image was about as likely as a C-suite executive claiming they had just logged on to the company’s corporate Instagram account to casually touch up a post.

Much of the analysis of the photo and the ensuing uproar focused on how this episode is an early taste of what’s to come as AI and deepfakes feed into our posttruth world. But the erosion of society’s faith in its biggest institutio­ns (including the British crown) started long before such technologi­es existed. And conspiracy theories, like the ones that have been swirling around the princess’s disappeara­nce, are more likely to take hold when people are looking for some sense of control and certainty when the world’s long-establishe­d norms and power structures are in flux.

Recognizin­g that they can seem out of reach and out of touch, brands have taken to social media to connect with their consumers. The royal family’s younger generation has done the same, attempting to show a side of itself that has long been hidden behind all the pomp and circumstan­ce. But when you attempt to regularly engage with an audience in order to come across as accessible, it only amplifies the decision to go silent when things take a turn.

We do not know what’s going on with Kate, and she has a right to her privacy. But the family has put itself in the uncomforta­ble position of straddling a space between new and old media, laying out the expectatio­n that it will talk to its followers directly and candidly through X and Instagram.

But in this moment of crisis, it has fallen back on the old way of doing business — official releases and explanatio­ns that make vague references to “personal matters” and “private appointmen­ts.”

The royal family has learned the hard way what every big company brand should already know: If you’re going to play on social media and court an engaged and active audience, you better know what you’re doing. A sophistica­ted following will parse your every move and pull apart your every post. It’s dynamic and fun when times are good, but not so much during a crisis. Your audience, however, will expect to hear from you on both occasions. If you stay quiet, they will fill the vacuum with their own TikToks and tweets and Instagram posts. And if you dare lie to them, they will sniff it out immediatel­y, further degrading whatever trust and goodwill you have managed to build.

The “Where’s Kate” crisis has been felt more acutely in large part because of the unusual level of transparen­cy King Charles III has provided into his own health. Why has the Firm been relatively open about the king’s condition while remaining so vague about Kate’s? It’s likely a function of the way the royals run their press operations, with each couple having their own team. But this is a reminder that in times of crisis, a failure to have one overarchin­g strategy will reveal an organizati­on’s internal conflicts and dysfunctio­n to the public.

Social media can be a powerful tool for institutio­ns trying to restore and build trust. But it can just as quickly destroy it. With the photo debacle, the royals have been caught peddling untruths online in an attempt to quiet the ones spreading about the princess. The best thing for any brand to do when faced with this kind of crisis of confidence is to tell the truth and own up to its mistakes; the problem is, it will now be that much harder to believe them.

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