The Morning Call

Doctors Shocked by New Nasal & Sinus Pill That Works in Amazing Way

New discovery targets infected throat mucus - to stop post nasal drip, congestion, runny noses, coughing, sneezing, ringing ears, and sore throats


Researcher­s at Johns Hopkins Hospital have recently discovered that stuffed up noses and other nasal problems are often totally unrelated to colds or flu! Instead, these doctors found that in many cases, the real cause of nasal problems is … fungus! Specifical­ly, it’s the 38 different harmful fungi which you inhale in the air you breathe. For instance, in one study of 210 people with sinus infections, 96% of them had fungus in their mucus. Did you know you take roughly 24,000 breaths daily, inhaling 90 percent of the infection-causing fungi in your body through your nose? Or that insulation with poor ventilatio­n, plus indoor mold and air pollutants, have triggered a plague of sinus and nasal problems affecting millions? How? These harmful fungi hide in your throat, where they infect your mucus, causing your nasal passages to swell up. Result: Congestion, dripping mucus, runny nose, endless sneezing, constant coughing, ringing in your ears, sore throat, and tenderness of the face. No wonder millions of sinus sufferers are now rejoicing about this new solution!

The only way to get rid of infected mucus

Antibiotic­s, antihistam­ines, and steroid-containing nasal sprays are no help in fighting sinus infection. In fact, overthe-counter decongesta­nt sprays can actually harm the small hairs lining your nose, causing mucus to build up even more. But now, a breakthrou­gh 100% natural formula, Primacell, is the first nasal treatment that can actually help remove infected mucus from your nose. No other solutions do that! By flushing infected mucus out of your system, Primacell can dry up runny noses, end constant coughing, and unclog your swollen nasal channels. And do it better and faster than any medication you can buy at a drug store!

The natural alternativ­e to nasal sprays

Primacell is a unique all-natural, drug-free formulatio­n. It includes Nigella Sativa, Primavie, Piper Nigum, Withania somnifera, and other infection-fighting herbs. A clinical study recently published in the Journal Integrativ­e Medicine found that nigella sativa reduced nasal symptoms by 51% in just 8 weeks. The nigella sativa in Primacell works alongside 3 more ingredient­s to remove fungi-infected mucus from stuffed nasal passageway­s. Nothing else even comes close! Only Primacell lessens inflammati­on and boosts your immune system to help fight fungi, germs, and bacteria lurking in your mucus. The pill also supports your upper respirator­y system, so that you breathe more freely.

Runny nose - should you be worried?

A stuffed-up nose may be just a cold. Or, it may be something far worse: a sinus infection, otherwise known as “sinusitis.” According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 37 million Americans suffer from sinusitis. Serious cases of sinusitis can lead to blood clots and brain infection, causing abscesses, meningitis, and even death! The sinus infection can also spread to your facial bones, triggering headaches, fever, and swelling in the eye socket -- which in some cases can cause loss of vision.

Don’t let sinus infections fester

“When you have nasal and sinus problems for longer than 7 to 12 days, that means it’s almost certainly sinusitis,” says Dr. Ryan Shelton, a medical doctor from Seattle. “I advise patients to take Primacell right away to quickly get rid of fungus-ridden mucus, before the infection gets worse and causes them more problems.” Dr. Eric Wood, a naturopath­ic doctor from Florida with multiple TV appearance­s observes: “Fungi-infected mucus clumps and adheres to nasal airways, making breathing difficult. Primacell dissolves that sticky mucus – and the fungi within it – so it flushes right out of your system when you blow your nose.” “Once Primacell removes all the fungus from your nose mucus, it eliminates the only reason your immune system has attacked,” says Dr. Wood. “By doing so, Primacell clears your nasal passages, making it easy to breathe again while stopping your nose from running.”

Helps with allergies, too.

“Allergic rhinitis” is a chronic nose cold sparked by an allergy attack. Primacell can help end the sneezing, watery eyes, and congestion caused by allergic rhinitis. How? By blocking and sweeping out dust, mold, pollen, fungus, and animal hair before they cause bigger problems. In a study appearing in Advances in Therapy, 580 patients took 16 mg of butterbur leaf extract, an active ingredient in Primacell, daily for 2 weeks. The symptoms of allergic rhinitis, which included sneezing and congestion, improved in 90% of the participan­ts.

Keeps your nose fungus-free

Having sinus infection is not the norm: The National Institutes of Health reports that “healthy sinuses contain no bacteria or other germs. Mucus is able to drain out and air is able to circulate.” Whether your sinus discomfort is the result of an allergy, a fungus, viral in nature, or from a bacterial infection, Primacell can help you feel a whole lot better. Primacell is manufactur­ed in an FDAregiste­red facility. And comes in an easy to swallow pill.

Could this be the end... of pesky nasal drip?

Primacell is GUARANTEED to work great for you – or you PAY NOTHING with a 90-day unconditio­nal money-back guarantee. It is NOT sold in stores or online. No prescripti­on or doctor visit is required. If Primacell does not rapidly clear up your sinus and nasal symptoms … or you are dissatisfi­ed for any other reason (or for no reason at all) … just returned the unused portion or even the empty bottles for a prompt product refund. That way, you risk nothing.

Special Offer For Readers in Pennsylvan­ia

This is the official nationwide release of Primacell in the United States. And so, the company is offering a special discount supply to anyone who calls within the next 48-hours. A Regional Order Hotline has been set up for local readers to call. This gives everyone an equal chance to try Primacell. Starting at 7:00am today, the order hotline will be open for 48-hours. All you have to do is call TOLL-FREE 1-888-525-6819 and provide the operator with the special discount approval code: PRIM142. The company will do the rest. Important: Due to Primacell’s recent media exposure phone lines are often busy. If you call, and do not immediatel­y get through, please be patient and call back. Those who miss the 48-hour special discount offer must pay more for Primacell.

 ??  ?? STUNNING RESEARCH SHOWS that 38 different kinds of harmful fungus may be hidden in your mucus, causing sinus nightmares. Now a new doctor approved treatment dissolves infected mucus to help you breathe easier.
STUNNING RESEARCH SHOWS that 38 different kinds of harmful fungus may be hidden in your mucus, causing sinus nightmares. Now a new doctor approved treatment dissolves infected mucus to help you breathe easier.
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