The Morning Call


- By David Lauter and Janet Hook

Students Blake Wiseman, left, and Christophe­r Heermann, stand-ins for President Donald Trump and Democratic presidenti­al nominee Joe Biden respective­ly, participat­e in a rehearsal for the first presidenti­al debate at Case Western Reserve University and the Cleveland Clinic. The eagerly anticipate­d debate will be held Tuesday.

WASHINGTON — The first presidenti­al debate between Joe Biden and President Donald Trump has a strong chance of being the most-watched political event in U.S. history, and the enormous potential audience on Tuesday is just one factor that has heightened the stakes for both candidates.

For Trump, stuck for months on a losing trajectory, the debate stands as one of the few remaining opportunit­ies to shift how Americans view the election and to reach voters beyond his deeply committed core of supporters.

For Biden, who has maintained a significan­t, but not unbeatable, lead nationally and in crucial swing states, the encounter provides a chance to bolster his standing with a key slice of the electorate — voters who have turned against the president but remain unconvince­d about his challenger.

With that opportunit­y, however, comes risk for the former vice president, who, in debates during the primary elections, sometimes appeared to lack energy or focus.

Debates are often overrated as a turning point in campaigns, said Mike Murphy, the veteran Republican strategist and fervent Trump critic who co-directs USC’s Center for the Political Future. Research by political scientists shows that for all the attention they get, general-election debates only rarely have an impact that lasts more than a week or so.

“This debate is a little different,” Murphy said, in part because Trumpandhi­scampaign have worked furiously to raise doubts in voters’ minds about Biden’s mental fitness and physical stamina.

“For Biden to break through and show he’s sharp and on top of

it, that’s an opportunit­y but also a risk,” Murphy said. “If Biden has a bad debate, Trump has a whole month to exploit it.”

Democratic pollster Anna Greenberg agreed. “Republican­s have been very effective” in spreading the idea that Biden is physically or mentally impaired, she said. “You hear a lot of it” in focus groups of voters.

Since most swing voters don’t pay much attention to political news, the debate “will probably be the first opportunit­y that a lot of voters have to see Biden and see that he’s not impaired,” she said. “That’s the main thing.”

Indeed, many Republican­s worry that Trump, with his frequent references to Biden as “sleepy” or “out of it,” has “lowered the bar” too much for what voters may expect from the Democratic challenger, said Republican strategist Alex Conant, a former top aide to Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida.

“That’s definitely a risk they run.”

A potential parallel could be the 1980 election between President Carter and his Republican opponent, Ronald Reagan. The two held only one debate, on Oct. 28, just one week before the election. Carter entered the debate holding a narrow lead. But when voters sawReagano­nstage, hedid not seem like the scary war hawk Democrats had warned against. Over the campaign’s final days, which included other events that damaged Carter, Reagan’s standing rose steadily, and he won by a large margin.

Biden has participat­ed in dozens of debates during three presidenti­al bids as well as vice presidenti­al debates in 2008 and 2012. He got high marks for the 2012 matchup against then-Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., the GOP’s nominee. In 2008, his skill in the primary debates impressed his rival, then-Sen. Barack Obama, andwasoneo­fthereason­sObama picked him as a running mate.

“He was strong, smart and much more discipline­d than I expected,” Obama said to advisor David Axelrod when they first discussed Biden as a potential running mate, according to Axelrod’s memoir, “Believer: My Forty Years in Politics.”

Biden participat­ed in 14 debates that primary cycle even though he dropped out of the race just after the Iowa caucuses in January 2008. His most memorable debate line jabbed a Republican, former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani: “There only three things he mentions in a sentence: A noun and a verb and 9/11. I mean, there’s nothing else.”

His 2012 matchup with Ryan came at a crucial moment: Obama had done poorly in his first debate with Mitt Romney, the Republican presidenti­al nominee, and Democrats badly needed Biden to do well to compensate.

He did: With an aggressive, in-your-face performanc­e, Biden belittled the conservati­ve lawmaker who was decades younger than him. Republican­s called Biden’s smirking and condescens­ion disrespect­ful, but Democrats were reinvigora­ted.

“We needed him to deliver an incredible performanc­e against Paul Ryan,” said Dan Pfeiffer, an Obama advisor at the time. “Biden did well. It was a huge boost to our campaign.”

In this election cycle, Biden’s primary debates were uneven. In the early going — the debates that got the biggest audiences — he often seemed halting. Supporters say that reflected rustiness after seven years off the debate stage and note that this spring, when he went one-on-one with Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, he did much better.

Trump, by contrast, did not fare especially well during the debates four years ago. The most memorable image of the encounters — his walking behind Hillary

Clinton onstage as she spoke — drew cheers from his fans, who saw the move as bold, and protests from her supporters, who called him a stalker. The divided reaction illustrate­s the degree to which most viewers filter a debate through their own preconcept­ions.

The fact that Trump won the election has created an impression in retrospect that he must have beaten Clinton in the debates. But polls at the time generally showed him losing ground after the encounters, then climbing back up as the debates faded from the news.

That year, more than 84 million people watched their first debate, according to Nielsen’s ratings. That set a record. With attention to this year’s election at an all-time high, the audience could be larger. Viewership in that range could approach two-thirds of the number of people expected to vote.

In today’s fractured media world, no other moment in a campaign draws such a mass audience. In particular, debates get attention not only from hardcore partisans, but also less committed voters.

Those swing voters will form a prime audience for both candidates Tuesday.

Polls show that the vast majority of voters have firmly made up their minds about which candidate they support. For them, a debate can serve as a motivation­al exercise.

But a small group of voters do remain undecided. A few swing back and forth between Trump and Biden. A somewhat larger group “swings between voting and their couch,” said Ashley Kirzinger, associate director of survey research at the Kaiser Family Foundation, which has looked at uncertain voters in key states.

A recent survey by Kaiser and the Cook Political Report of voters in three Sun Belt battlegrou­nd states — Arizona, Florida, North Carolina — found that three-quarters of voters had definitely made up their minds. They were almost evenly divided between the two sides. One in 10 said they were undecided, while an additional 3% said that they would probably vote for one candidate but that a chance remained that they might change their minds.

Those less uncertain voters were younger than average, not particular­ly partisan and, at least in the three Sun Belt states, significan­tly more likely to be Latino, Kirzinger said.

Across the three states, a majority of them had a negative view of Trump and a positive view of Biden.

Two-thirds of the swing voters see Trump as “unpredicta­ble” — a quality they see as bad, Kirzinger said. They prefer Biden’s leadership style and his position on issues including healthcare and handling the coronaviru­s.

But they remain uncertain in part because “nearly half say they think Biden is too old to be president,” she said, and only 4 in 10 see him as a “strong leader.”

Strategist­s in both parties said Trump’s goal in appealing to those uncommitte­d voters should be to shift the election from a referendum on him — a contest he has little chance of winning — to a more direct focus on Biden’s flaws.

That’s a difficult task for any president, because reelection campaigns typically focus on the incumbent. It’s even harder for Trump, who hates to cede attention to anyone else.

Biden’s challenge is different: Keep the focus on Trump while generating more enthusiasm for himself, which could boost turnout on his side.

 ?? PATRICKSEM­ANSKY/AP ?? Workers adjust signage as preparatio­ns take place for the first Presidenti­al debate in the Sheila and Eric Samson Pavilion on Monday in Cleveland. The first debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidenti­al candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to take place Tuesday.
PATRICKSEM­ANSKY/AP Workers adjust signage as preparatio­ns take place for the first Presidenti­al debate in the Sheila and Eric Samson Pavilion on Monday in Cleveland. The first debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic presidenti­al candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to take place Tuesday.

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