The Morning Call

Senate should delay Supreme Court justice vote


As a Pennsylvan­ia Republican, I am shocked at the current Senate proceeding­s. We must wait until after the election to consider Supreme Court justice nomination­s. Doing otherwise would cause us to lose the integrity that is the mainstay of our party, and of conservati­ve thought in general.

To rush anything as critical as a Supreme

Court nomination now, when we rightly caused a lengthy delay in a previous nomination to ensure that our new president had his choice of nomination, would be both hypocritic­al and un-American.

Fortunatel­y, Sen. Toomey is known for rising above the petty politics running rampant in Washington, and we must count on him to ensure that decisions regarding our Supreme Court are above reproach.

However, our senators need our support. We should all write or call them both to urge them to hold off on Supreme Court decisions until we can do it the right way, after the election. This way we will show that our American government retains the highest level of integrity.

Dork Sahagian


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