The Morning Call

Hostilitie­s may fuel court fight

GOP could attempt to remake state Supreme Court

- By Marc Levy

The angst, anger and hostility over Pennsylvan­ia’s presidenti­al election result will flowpast New Year’s Day.

Republican­s who control the state Legislatur­e could use the first weeks of 2021 to fast-track a constituti­onal amendment that would remake the Democratic-majority state Supreme Court after Republican­s and President Donald Trump accused the court of acting illegally or, baselessly, conspiring to steal the election.

That prospect is propelling a constellat­ion of liberal groups, good-government groups, labor unions and others to organize against the proposed amendment, and stoking fears of an expensive public campaign fueled by dark money for control of the battlegrou­nd state’s highest court.

As early as May 18’s primary election, Pennsylvan­ia voters could be asked to overhaul how they elect state Supreme Court justices and appellate court judges. The amendment would end the practice of judicial candidates running for 10-year terms in statewide elections and, instead, sort those seats into districts equal in population where candidates must live.

It would seem to guarantee a new set of faces that Republican lawmakers contend will provide better geographic­al diversity — and better court rulings.

Such a change almost assuredly would cut short the high court’s 5-2 Democratic majority that might otherwise last well beyond 2030.

For one, four high court justices hail from Pittsburgh, but carving the state into districts would likely leave room for just one justice from the area. Meanwhile, heavily Democratic areas could be squeezed into two or three districts, leaving a majority that favor Republican candidates.

It is a Republican power grab that smacks of payback, some opponents say, and a takeover of one independen­t branch of government by another.

Some nonpartisa­n organizati­ons see it as a dangerous polit

icization of the court.

“It’s hard to understand what principle of good governance this amendment is supposed to reflect,” said David Thornburgh, president and CEO of the Committee of Seventy. “Wehave one constituti­on in this commonweal­th and we should be choosing judges to consider the impact of their decisions on the entire state.”

Democrats and their allies view the Mayprimary as an ideal opportunit­y for Republican­s: a low-turnout, off-year primary typically favors Republican­s, they say.

Republican­s say they have not yet had caucus meetings to determine a plan of action.

“I amdefinite­ly interested in it as long as my caucus is interested in looking at a judicial reform measure,” said Senate Majority Leader Kim Ward, R-Westmorela­nd. “I think this Supreme Court, with as political as the majority has been, needs to be reevaluate­d in howwedothi­ngs.”

The bill took the first step toward a constituti­onal amendment, passing the House last December and then the Senate in July. Every Democrat and a few Republican­s opposed it.

Getting it onthe Mayballot will require the House and Senate to each pass it one more time by Feb. 18 to meet legal requiremen­ts — a quick, yet technicall­y possible, turnaround.

The measure’s House sponsor, Rep. Russ Diamond, R-Lebanon, said he always intended to get it onto May’s primary ballot, although he had no guarantees from House GOP leaders.

There is some precedent for the concept: Four states elect high court judges by district to a first term, according to informatio­n from the National Center for State Courts. But the other 18 states where voters pick high court justices hold statewide contests.

The amendment first emerged after 2015’s election delivered the state Supreme Court’s first Democratic majority in 15 years.

The effort picked up urgency after the court in 2018 redrew the state’s congressio­nal districts, ruling that boundaries drawn and approved by Republican-controlled Harrisburg in 2011 were unconstitu­tionally gerrymande­red to benefit Republican candidates.

The court’s rulings during the first wave of the pandemic in Pennsylvan­ia and in the weeks before and after the presidenti­al election further inflamed Republican­s.

“It’s sort of like a rolling snowball,” Diamond said.

The court’s election-related rulings, over Republican objections, dissuaded counties from disqualify­ing mail-in ballots cast by legal, eligible voters, such as ballots delayed by slow mail service or ones with a signature that didn’t precisely match the voter’s signature on file.

Republican­s insist those rulings went beyond the court’s power and in a fundraisin­g email Tuesday, Trump touted his campaign’s latest challenge at the U.S. Supreme Court “to reverse a trio of Pennsylvan­ia Supreme Court cases that illegally changed Pennsylvan­ia’s mail balloting law.”

On the horizon for the court are more big things: a major public school funding lawsuit and the redrawing of legislativ­e and congressio­nal districts.

Pennsylvan­ians for Modern Courts — which opposes the amendment — is holding a series of educationa­l forums in January, President and CEODeborah Gross said.

The public is barely aware of the measure, and Republican­s have held no hearings on it, Gross said.

Shanin Specter, a prominent plaintiff’s attorney in Philadelph­ia, framed the measure as a massive loss of voting rights, saying a Pennsylvan­ia voter would go from helping decide 31 statewide judicial seats to just three.

“That would be the greatest loss of core constituti­onal power that citizens have in my lifetime,” Specter said.

Even if the proposal passes both chambers again, litigation is likely: The way it is drafted violates the law and the state constituti­on, Specter said.

If the proposal makes it onto the ballot, its opponents fear dark money flooding into the state from partisans will try to sway voters, who have a history of backing constituti­onal amendments.

“We know we have a history in Pennsylvan­ia of saying ‘yes’ to things on a ballot, even if we’re not sure what it is we’re saying ‘yes’ to,” said Kadida Kenner, who is organizing a coalition against it for the labor-backed Pennsylvan­ia Budget and Policy Center. “It’s going to be a hard fight in May.”

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