The Morning Call

Early-blooming snowdrops emerge this time of year

- Sue Kittek Sue Kittek is a freelance garden columnist, writer, and lecturer. Send questions to Garden Keeper at or mail: Garden Keeper, The Morning Call, PO Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105.

I am so jealous. Several garden friends have posted photos of their beautiful snowdrops popping up and blooming. They were one of my mother’s favorite flowers and I have had at least a few in my gardens. My snowdrops are on a hillside outside my kitchen window but they are, unfortunat­ely, buried under more than a few inches of snow. I expect them to emerge in about April, if the weather continues to warm.

Snowdrops (Galanthus sp.) are small early blooming bulbs (three to six inches tall). They have two narrow leaves and a single white drooping flower. There are about 20 species of snowdrops, with about 12 in commercial cultivatio­n, and the plants are part of the Araryllida­ceae family. The white bellshaped flowers have delicate green markings on the inner petals. Snowdrops can have single or double flowers. The blooms are some of the earliest in the garden, often appearing in late February.

The most common snowdrop is Galanthus nivalis. A related but double variety is Galanthus nivalis f. plenifloru­s “Flore Pleno”. A different but related early bulb is Leucojum vernum, often sold as snowflakes These are not snowdrops but are closely related and just as beautiful. All petals are the same size with a bright yellow-green spots.

Snowdrops should be lifted and replanted quickly as they tend to dry out. Divide or move after flowering, but before the greens disappear for the summer. Divide every few years into groups of no more than three to five bulbs, since they quickly replicate once reestablis­hed.

They are most at home in woodland settings and look good in large masses, rock gardens or even small gatherings beneath early flowering shrubs. Plant the tiny bulbs as soon as possible in the fall. Site them in a sunny or partshade site. They like moist soil with lots of organic matter but avoid poor drainage areas. The bulbs are planted about three to four inches deep and two to three inches apart. As with all spring bulbs, allow the greens to remain after flowering to produce food for next year’s blooms.

Yes, this is the wrong time of year to plant snowdrops, but it is an ideal time to see just how beautiful this early spring/late winter flower is. Check them out and consider adding them to your garden this fall.

Another treatment to deter deer

Last week I addressed the problem of deer browsing on even resistant arbs. Here is a reader recommenda­tion of a profession­ally applied repellant:

One of your letter was “Chomped Arbs”. A reader was having trouble with deer damage to woody ornamental landscapin­g. Deer will only eat evergreens during the winter months. They can be protected with one spray of DeerPro Winter Animal Repellent. This is a product used by leading plant care companies such as Bartlett Tree Experts, SavATree and Davey Tree. Rather than homeowners applying smelly sprays that don’t work when we have freezing temperatur­es, a profession­al can give protection with just one spray in the fall. Thanks,

— Sean McNamara, Redding Nursery.

Bethlehem Garden Club Scholarshi­p

The Bethlehem Garden Club awards one or more scholarshi­ps to Bethlehem area graduating seniors who will be continuing their education in: conservati­on, horticultu­re, landscapin­g, flory-culture, environmen­tal studies, forestry, botany or a related field.

This year the scholarshi­p award will be $1,500. The applicatio­n and guidelines are available on the club website (bethlehemg­ Applicatio­ns and letters of recommenda­tion must be received by April 30, 2021.

Week in the Garden Planting

Start seeds for: Cucumbers. Continue planting seeds for transplant­ing for: Leaf lettuce, peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes.

Next week start: Balsam bachelor buttons, calendula, cockscomb, gaillardia, marigold, morning glory, nasturtium, cantaloupe, melon and Swiss chard.

When the soil warms, plant bare root trees and shrubs. Make sure the soil is dry enough to work — don’t dig or plant in mud.

Follow your schedule for starting seeds. Check packets for instructio­ns such as start indoors four weeks before last frost date. Then, using a calendar, count back from your area’s date (May 10-15) for the appropriat­e starting time.


Apply a top dressing of compost to lawns and beds.

Rake back winter mulches.

Spring and summer mulch should be two to three inches deep and applied a few inches away from foundation­s, tree trunks and other plants.

Fluff mulch and add more if necessary. Calculate amount of spring mulch needed then order or buy it.

Test soil for new beds, Retest soil in poorly performing areas or those that haven’t been tested in the last 3 -5 years.

As plants held indoors start to show new growth, move them into brighter light and start regular watering.

Cut back ornamental grasses. Divide when you see new green growth.

Prune and divide perennials that bloom in late summer or fall.

Examine trees and shrubs. Please check proper pruning informatio­n for each plant and prune as needed and recommende­d.

Check for heaved plants, particular­ly when soil temperatur­es are fluctuatin­g between freezing and thawing.

Check germinatio­n rate for all stored seeds and replace those that perform badly with fresh seed this year.

Get seeds for plants you intend to grow from seed.

Keep amaryllis greens warm and watered in a sunny area if you plan on keeping them until next year.

Discard paperwhite­s after blooming. If you use corn gluten-based weed control in the garden, start applying this month and establish a schedule for reapplicat­ion, usually at four to six week intervals.


Clear lawns of winter debris. Plan and order sod for installati­on in mid-April through May.

Apply preemergen­t crabgrass control.

Fill in holes and low spots in lawn and seed.

Seed or overseed lawns now until mid-May.


Use a humidifier, humidity trays or misting to increase the humidity around your houseplant­s.

Mark off beds, new plantings, plants that are late to break dormancy in the spring and delicate plants.

Water any recent plantings anytime we experience a week with less than an inch of rain.

Fix damaged screens and garden hoses. Note damaged caulking around doors and windows.

Provide deer, rabbit and groundhog protection for vulnerable plants. Reapply taste or scent deterrents.

Clear gutters and direct rainwater runoff away from house foundation­s.

 ?? ARBORETUM MORTON ?? The snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) got both its common name and its botanical name from its tendency to bloom while there’s still snow on the ground. In Latin, nivalis means “snow-covered.”
ARBORETUM MORTON The snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis) got both its common name and its botanical name from its tendency to bloom while there’s still snow on the ground. In Latin, nivalis means “snow-covered.”
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