The Morning Call

130 nations in favor of a global tax minimum

- By David McHugh

FRANKFURT, Germany — Some 130 countries have backed a global minimum tax as part of a worldwide effort to keep multinatio­nal firms from dodging taxes by shifting their profits to countries with low rates.

The agreement announced by the Organizati­on for Economic Cooperatio­n and Developmen­t on Thursday also provides for taxing the largest global companies in countries where they earn profits through online businesses but may have no physical presence.

The agreement followed a proposal from President Joe Biden for at least a 15% rate, an initiative that propelled the talks toward meeting a deadline for a deal by the middle of this year. The deal now will be discussed by the Group of 20 countries at meetings later this year in hopes of finishing the details in October and implementi­ng the agreement in 2023.

Under the deal, countries could tax their companies’ foreign earnings if they go untaxed through subsidiari­es in other countries. That would remove the incentive to use accounting and legal schemes to shift profits to low-rate countries since the profits would be taxed at home anyway.

Not all of the 139 countries that joined the talks signed on to the deal. The proposal to tax countries where they have sales but no physical presence excluded extractive companies such as oil and mining and regulated banks.

The deal now faces more technical work to fill in details and review by the Group of 20 countries, which represent some 80% of the global economy.

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