The Morning Call

Buddy heat

- Amy Alkon

I’m dating an awesome woman I see a future with. However, there’s a hurdle: She doesn’t want to have sex until we’re committed, but I don’t feel right about committing without knowing we have sexual chemistry. A previous relationsh­ip ended because the sex was subpar, and I don’t want to go through that again.

— Conflicted

Sexual chemistry is pretty important. You don’t want to get all emotionall­y attached and then find that sexually, you go together like peanut butter and a repeating saw.

Men and women are alike in countless ways. (Both have two legs; men don’t randomly have six like an insect.) However, we differ psychologi­cally per the physical difference­s we do have; namely, how sex can leave a woman “with child” and a man “with a teaspoon less sperm.”

These difference­s drive men’s and women’s conflictin­g “sexual strategies,” explains evolutiona­ry psychologi­st David Buss. For men, a casual sex-centric “short-term sexual strategy” — hit and run ... sex and shun — has the most “reproducti­ve benefits,” increasing men’s chances of passing on their genes. Women benefit most from a commitment-centric “long-term sexual strategy” and look for signs a man is emotionall­y attached, making him more likely to stick around and provide for any, um, sex biscuits they might create.

Where there are deep-seated desires, there’s often deception. Buss calls this “strategic interferen­ce,” describing sneaky tactics used to get the opposite sex to go against their evolutiona­ry best interest. Men, for example, feign commitment to get sex, while women feign sexual interest to get commitment — either long-term or enough to enjoy an evening of free fine dining. However, we have a defense against this: “negative” emotions — like a woman’s fear of getting humptied and dumptied and a man’s fear that all a woman really wants to “ride like a pony” is his American Express black card.

As for what you should do, Buss’ research might be helpful. Buss finds that men will shift to a “long-term sexual strategy” when that’s what it takes to land a woman of especially high “mate value.” If she doesn’t seem worth the risk of waiting for, it’s probably breakup o’clock. No, sex isn’t everything in a relationsh­ip. However, if you like to have sex twice a day and your partner’s up for twice every never, it’s a little hard to meet in the middle — though the less libidinous partner might come up with some, uh, helpful ideas, such as: “Do we really have to have sex when I’m conscious?”

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