The Morning Call

10 tips for the Class of 2022

Grow by taking risks, trust your instincts, never forget your roots

- Paul Muschick Morning Call columnist Paul Muschick can be reached at 610820-6582 or

Another school year has come to an end. The graduation party invites are starting to roll in.

Graduation is an exciting time. For parents, it’s satisfying to watch our children blossom and head into the world. For students, there’s a sense of accomplish­ment, whether they are leaving college for the workforce or leaving high school for college, trade school, the military or a job.

Here is some advice for recent grads as they embark on their next adventure. (Previous advice to grads in columns from a few years ago can be found here and here.)

Value experience­s over things:

As your career takes off and your salary rises, it will be tempting to buy a new phone every year, the coolest car, a massive house and luxurious clothes. While it’s fine to reward yourself to some extent, don’t overdo it.

Things eventually wear out. But you always will have memories of trips you take, concerts and ballgames you attend and other experience­s, from museums to family reunions.

Learn to network: There is a lot of truth to the adage, “It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” Regardless of how talented you are, sometimes you need someone to make an introducti­on for your talents to get noticed.

Learn to make new connection­s. Build a wide network. Even casual relationsh­ips can help. I got an interview at The Morning Call 18 years ago based on an introducti­on by a former Call reporter whom I had met only briefly at a journalism conference.

Value your health, mental and physical: Your mental health is as important as your physical health. If you feel yourself becoming overwhelme­d or depressed, seek help. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Preventive health care is essential at all ages. Get an annual physical and visit the dentist regularly. Your insurance should cover preventive care, so you might as well use it.

Take risks: It can be scary moving to a new city or taking a new job that you’re not quite sure you can handle. But doing so can help you grow, personally and profession­ally. Putting yourself out there is never easy, but have confidence that you can conquer new challenges.

If for some reason it doesn’t work out, you still will have learned from it. And you will bounce back.

Trust your gut: We’ve all had that feeling that something just isn’t right. You may sense it when you’re buying a used car. Or when you’re looking at apartments or houses. Or when you get a job offer. Or when you start a new relationsh­ip.

Trust your instincts when you get that feeling. Get out of the situation and look for one that doesn’t make you uneasy.

Learn to cook: The sooner you learn to cook, the better off you’ll be. You will save money by not dining out as much, and you will eat healthier. Plus, there’s quite a sense of achievemen­t when you experiment with a new dish that turns out perfectly. Cooking can quickly become a relaxing hobby.

Negotiate: There is more wiggle room in your life than you think.

There’s a long tradition of haggling while buying a car. You can try to negotiate at other times, too. I can tell you from experience that if you complain about your cable bill and threaten to cancel, your cable company may cut you a break. If you have good credit, your bank may reduce the rate on your credit card, too, if you ask.

When hiring someone to do home repairs or provide other services, don’t be afraid to ask for a lower price. The worst that can happen is your request will be denied. Then you can decide whether to accept the offer or shop around.

Control what you can, don’t fret the rest: We all have our share of frustratio­ns, ranging from rising gas prices to situations at work or at home.

Focus on what you can change.

Sometimes even a small adjustment can make a big difference. Exercising and eating better can improve your health, for example. Changing jobs or ending a caustic relationsh­ip may reduce your stress.

Recognize that you will not be able to change everything. You can’t pick your neighbors or do anything about inflation. Manage the situations as best you can, but don’t let them overwhelm you, as you can’t do much about it.

Get involved: Being a young adult can be overwhelmi­ng. It’s important to take time to get yourself on the right path. But don’t become self-centered. It’s always important to be part of something bigger. That could be a labor union at work, a charity or civic organizati­on in your community or a cause such as environmen­talism.

A shining example is an Emmaus High School senior I wrote about recently after she recruited 113 volunteers to clean up trash at Jordan Park in Allentown for Earth Day.

Never forget your roots: If you move away from your hometown and your family and friends, that doesn’t mean you aren’t part of that community. You can always go home again. And if you have the opportunit­y, pay back your community for the start it gave you.

I recently wrote about how the Class of 1970 from Dieruff High School in Allentown brainstorm­ed for a way to give back to their alma mater during their 50th reunion. The idea sparked a broader, communityw­ide effort to build an outdoor classroom.

If you can’t afford to donate money, donate your time. Schools and art, civic and sports associatio­ns always are looking for volunteers and mentors who can share their wisdom with younger generation­s.

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 ?? RICK KINTZEL/THE MORNING CALL ?? Northampto­n Area High School held its graduation Friday at Erdosy Stadium in Northampto­n.
RICK KINTZEL/THE MORNING CALL Northampto­n Area High School held its graduation Friday at Erdosy Stadium in Northampto­n.

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