The Morning Call

Far right hints at shutdown

GOP split on call to hinge spending bill on border policies

- By Karoun Demirjian

WASHINGTON — Hard-right House Republican­s are threatenin­g to block a stopgap bill to keep the government funded unless it includes a security crackdown along the U.S.-Mexico border, escalating fears of a shutdown within weeks and injecting the supercharg­ed politics of immigratio­n into an already fraught stalemate over federal spending.

The ultraconse­rvative House Freedom Caucus, whose demands for deep cuts have already stymied agreement on a spending package for the coming year, now say they are unwilling to support even a temporary measure to prevent a lapse in federal funding without a sweeping border measure that has little chance of making it through Congress.

The measure, which would revive policies championed during the Trump administra­tion such as border wall constructi­on, extended detention of asylum-seekers and expedited deportatio­n of unaccompan­ied minors, was so draconian that GOP leaders barely managed in May to scrounge together the Republican votes needed to pass it. It has stalled in the Democrat-controlled Senate and would render any spending bill that carried it dead on arrival there.

It is the latest complicati­on for Speaker Kevin McCarthy as he seeks to bridge the rifts within his party over spending and prevent a shutdown that is all but certain to tarnish Republican­s politicall­y. It is slated to occur Oct. 1 unless Congress passes a temporary funding patch to allow more time for a deal. The situation could prompt the largest mutiny McCarthy has faced from the far

right since he struck a deal with President Joe Biden to suspend the debt ceiling and avoid a disastrous federal default.

Behind the scenes, McCarthy is toiling to persuade far-right lawmakers to abandon the tactic. He has privately warned them that trying to use the stopgap spending bill to strongarm a one-sided border bill through a divided Congress risks scuttling the border security investment­s Republican­s are trying to enact through the regular appropriat­ions bills.

McCarthy and Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., the majority leader, argued to members on a recent conference call that the GOP’s spending proposals already mirrored much of the border bill and addressed most of the Freedom Caucus’ concerns, according to people who heard the call and spoke on condition of anonymity.

But the conservati­ves, still simmering with anger at McCarthy for striking a budget deal with the president that they regard as too spendthrif­t, are determined to turn the appropriat­ions bills into the next battlegrou­nd in Congress’ intractabl­e fight over immigratio­n and border security, even if it means holding the government hostage.

“Why on earth would we say, ‘Sure, Secretary Mayorkas, keep screwing over the people I represent, endangerin­g us — and here’s a check to keep doing it?’ ” asked Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas and the ringleader of the effort, referring to Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary. “I’m not worried about a fight over funding a government that most of the people I know can’t stand.”

Their gambit has prompted consternat­ion among more mainstream House Republican­s who are keenly aware that their party would be badly damaged by a shutdown.

Some of them have argued that if the Freedom Caucus’ aim is to strengthen border security, their demands are self-defeating.

“As I’ve reinforced time and time again, the things you’d want to do to secure the border cost money,” said Rep. David Joyce, R-Ohio, who chairs the panel that handles homeland security appropriat­ions. “It’s easy to say, ‘No,’ and, ‘We’re going to shut down the government,’” he said, but a lot of the people he’s seen talking about it “may not have been here in the past and may not understand the ramificati­ons, potentiall­y, of doing so.”

Joyce also argued that if Republican­s failed to unite around the spending bills’ existing border security measures, they would lose critical leverage heading into negotiatio­ns with the Democrat-led Senate, where the pending homeland security appropriat­ions bill does not include tough border measures.

“We can’t get into that negotiatio­n unless we pass these bills,” he said.

There is little doubt that a stopgap bill will be needed to fund the government past the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year. The chances that the House and Senate can strike a compromise on a broader federal spending package within the next month are increasing­ly slim, with the House still at odds over 11 of the 12 required bills and the two chambers also clashing in their approaches.

Democrats previously rallied to help Republican leaders steer around opposition from the hard right and muster the votes to bring the debt limit deal to the House floor. But leading Democrats vow that if GOP leaders accept the Freedom Caucus’ immigratio­n demands, they should expect no help from the minority party on a spending bill.

“Catering to these people — who have a track record of opposing all funding bills — would slow the flow of critical disaster relief to communitie­s across the country and kill our chances of keeping our government open while we work to reach an agreement on final 2024 funding bills,” Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticu­t, the top Democrat on the Appropriat­ions Committee, said in a statement. “House Republican­s will need House Democrats to pass any serious funding bills, and they will not get our support on a bill that contains the Freedom Caucus demands.”

Senate Democratic leaders issued a similar warning, admonishin­g Republican­s to pass spending bills capable of earning votes from both parties.

 ?? JORDAN VONDERHAAR/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? A congressio­nal delegation stands inside a border fence Aug. 8 in Eagle Pass, Texas.
JORDAN VONDERHAAR/THE NEW YORK TIMES A congressio­nal delegation stands inside a border fence Aug. 8 in Eagle Pass, Texas.

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