The Morning Call

Movie misses what made 2017 viral Twitter thread horrifying

- By Katie Walsh

It’s not just books that can be adapted into films these days — the biggest movie of the year is based on a toy. Even Twitter (now known as X) threads have been optioned into screenplay­s, such as the rollicking 2021 film “Zola,” a wild ride directed by Janicza Bravo depicting the events recounted in a Twitter thread written by Aziah “Zola” King.

And this spooky season brings another Twitterthr­ead inspired movie, “Dear David,” based on the events recounted by artist and writer Adam Ellis that had readers on the edge of their smartphone­s for over a year. Ellis updated the thread — and his accompanyi­ng BuzzFeed articles — with developmen­ts about a supposed haunting in his apartment, including photos, videos, sound recordings and his own drawings.

Obviously it was scooped up right away for adaptation, but the resulting horror flick, written by Mike Van Waes and directed by John McPhail, is a dim and dismal affair that misses what makes this story horrifying by about a mile. Augustus Prew stars as Adam Ellis, and his performanc­e is mostly relegated to staring at his smartphone in the dark, doomscroll­ing alone in his apartment. The true jump scare in “Dear David” would be the reveal of Adam’s screen time.

Set in 2017, “Dear David” is a period piece, taking us back to a time when listicles ruled. Enter the true villain of the film, BuzzFeed head honcho Bryce, Adam’s boss, who is naturally played by Justin Long, whose smarmy delivery about views and engagement is far more terrifying than any kiddie ghost. (Ironically, BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti is a producer on the film, as Ellis was working at BuzzFeed at the time and documentin­g his experience on the site with articles headlined “My Apartment is Being Haunted by the Ghost of a Dead Child.”)

Adam looks up from his phone every now and again and starts to see a chair in his apartment rocking of its own free will; his cats gather at the door and yowl. He’s tormented by horrible sleep paralysis hallucinat­ions, and ultimately moves into a new apartment in hopes of escaping these episodes, but they only follow him into his daily life. All the while he chronicles the experience on Twitter, including replying to trolls, and is pressured into churning out more viral content for Bryce, at the threat of losing his job in an ever-churning media landscape.

“Dear David” could have been an existentia­l indie about the “contentifi­cation” of our personal lives, and the damage wreaked by sites like BuzzFeed on the digital news landscape. Instead, it is a boring paint-bynumbers ghost movie, a jumble of tropes borrowed from movies like “The Ring,” and a poor facsimile of its influences.

But those digitally rendered spooks have nothing on scenes where the carefree bloggers gossip about employment turnover over drinks.

Bryce is the real big bad, but Long is woefully underutili­zed.

McPhail, who directed the delightful Christmas zombie high school musical comedy “Anna and the Apocalypse,” has left all sense of whimsy, humor and creative innovation behind when it comes to “Dear David.”

The truly dreadful “Dear David” lacks both artistry and insight. With its cheap digital cinematogr­aphy and janky computerge­nerated graphics, this hastily cobbled-together attempt to ride the coattails of (5-year-old) viral success isn’t a movie, it’s “content.”

MPA rating: R (for violent content, language and a sexual reference)

Running time: 1:34

How to watch: In theaters

 ?? LIONSGATE ?? Augustus Prew stars as Adam Ellis in “Dear David.”
LIONSGATE Augustus Prew stars as Adam Ellis in “Dear David.”

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