The Morning Call

Measles is making a comeback. Should we be concerned?

- By Sheldon H. Jacobson and Dr. Janet A. Jokela

The Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention has reported an uptick in the number of measles cases around the nation since early December. If the pace of infections continues to follow this trajectory, 2024’s total will top the surge reported in 2014 (667 cases), or even the 1,274 cases reported in 2019. Should we be concerned?

One perception among some people is that measles is just another innocuous infectious disease that children contract, characteri­zed by fever and a rash. The actual risks to children in contractin­g measles are much greater.

The CDC reports that on the order of 1 to 3 in 1,000 infected children will die from respirator­y and neurologic complicati­ons. To put this into perspectiv­e, if every child 1 to 4 years old became infected, and the mortality rate was 1 in 1,000 children, then around 14,000 of these children would die from the disease.

By comparison, around 3,800 children ages 1 to 4 die every year. The leading causes of death in this age group are accidents, genetic and developmen­tal conditions present at birth, and homicides. Without protection against measles, the disease could quickly become the leading cause of death in this age group.

Yet deaths are just one measure of the impact of measles. Complicati­ons such as pneumonia, swelling of the brain (encephalit­is) and the possibilit­y of spending time in the hospital are risks that cannot be ignored.

The best protection is a safe and effective vaccine. It has been available for more than 60 years and served as the primary factor in a reduction in measles infections to levels that has kept children safe.

What makes controllin­g measles so challengin­g is its high transmissi­on rate, as measured by R0, or “R naught,” its basic reproducti­on number. The R0 is the average number of people susceptibl­e to acquiring a disease from a single infected person.

The R0 for measles is estimated to be between 12 and 18, the highest among pediatric infectious diseases. This also means that high immunity rates typically achieved with vaccinatio­n, around 95%, are needed to achieve herd immunity for measles. By comparison, seasonal influenza has an R0 of around 1.3.

The good news is that anyone who has ever had measles or been vaccinated acquires lifelong immunity.

The question that parents must ultimately ask themselves is:

How much risk are they willing to assume in not protecting their child against the measles?

The number of measles outbreaks around the nation continues to grow. The absolute number of cases remains small. The uncertaint­y is whether each such pocket will die out or expand and whether those infected traveling around the country will seed new infections that become outbreaks.

From an epidemiolo­gical point of view, the CDC can certainly track such infections. Yet people’s choices about vaccinatio­n for their children ultimately drive infection spread and outbreaks. In addition, many infections go unreported by those who choose not to vaccinate their children, unless the child becomes so ill that medical attention is required. (About 1 in 5 unvaccinat­ed people in the U.S. who get measles end up being hospitaliz­ed.) This means that the figures the CDC is reporting are lower than the actual number of children who have been infected.

If a personal choice has no public impact, then people should certainly be afforded such freedoms. Yet when personal choices have public consequenc­es, one must find the right balance between the two. That is why child care facilities and schools impose vaccinatio­n requiremen­ts. Without such safeguards, numerous infections would spread, affecting families and creating educationa­l and public health chaos and risks.

As we saw during the COVID19 pandemic, there are consequenc­es when schools must be closed. Remote learning was adopted as a substitute, which was necessary given the uncertaint­y around the infection early in the pandemic. Yet time has shown that it was a poor substitute at best.

Lessons learned over time suggest that keeping children in school should be a top priority, and vaccinatio­n is the pathway to facilitate it. The measles outbreaks around the nation are a concern because they are a marker for risk. And unless risk is managed, it can grow and become untenable.

So the current measles outbreaks are indeed a concern. Appropriat­e informatio­n and guidance should be shared and communicat­ed, so that what is now a small collection of infections does not grow into widespread disease that could affect susceptibl­e children and adults.

The best protection is always preparatio­n and prevention, since disease avoided is a win for all. Communicat­ion and trust define the pathway to secure such protection­s.

Sheldon H. Jacobson is a professor of computer science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Janet A. Jokela is the senior associate dean of engagement in the Carle Illinois College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at UrbanaCham­paign.

 ?? ERIN HOOLEY/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? With his mother, Anne, 1-year-old James Judge gets his 12-month set of vaccines in 2022 in Chicago. The vaccines included measles, mumps and rubella.
ERIN HOOLEY/CHICAGO TRIBUNE With his mother, Anne, 1-year-old James Judge gets his 12-month set of vaccines in 2022 in Chicago. The vaccines included measles, mumps and rubella.

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