The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Diet advice for kidney stone sufferers

- Keith Roach To Your Good Health Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

DEAR DR. ROACH >> Please tell me the foods to avoid since I am a kidney-stone maker (I believe my stones are oxalate). I have had six stones to date that I have passed, and one is now lodged — and I can’t take much more. Is tea a cause of stones (since I drink quite a bit of tea, year-round)? — J.J.

DEAR READER >> Kidney stones are common in both men and women. Most women I have talked to who have both had children and passed a kidney stone say kidney stones are worse.

There are several different types of stones, and specific recommenda­tions should be based on both a stone analysis and the results of 24-hour urine collection­s; however, some simple advice can effect a significan­t reduction in the number of stones you may have in the future. I am going to assume for the sake of this discussion that you have had proven oxalate stones.

Some dietary factors increase stone risk, so you should reduce the amount of simple sugar (sucrose and fructose) and salt you take in. Eating less animal protein is helpful. You also should reduce your oxalate intake. You can learn more about what foods have high oxalate (there are a lot) at h2loheu. Brewed black tea does have a lot of oxalate (green and oolong, much less), but coffee does not. However, people who drink a lot of tea do not have higher stone risk.

Some dietary factors reduce oxalate stone risk. Increased potassium and citric acid reduce stone risk. Calcium is paradoxica­l: Dietary calcium reduces stone risk, but supplement­al calcium increases risk. This may be because blood levels go up quickly after a supplement, leading to high enough levels in the urine to start a stone, or it may be due to the fact that dietary calcium binds the oxalate in food (at least, that’s my hypothesis).

Perhaps the most important factor is fluid intake. Regular fluid intake throughout the day significan­tly reduces stone risk (perhaps that’s why tea drinking doesn’t increase stones, despite the oxalate).

DEAR DR. ROACH >> I have a 4-year-old granddaugh­ter who is left-handed and has been since infancy. Her mom thinks she should be right-handed and makes her take her pencil out of her left hand and place it in the right to write. She also makes her put the scissors in her right hand to cut. When she went for a conference with her preschool teacher, they had this little girl try writing with her left hand and then her right. I am told she now does better with her right. My question is, Why would someone make an issue of this and force a child to change? Does it really make a difference? Her great-grandpa, great-uncle and two great-cousins are left-handed. I have heard that people who are lefthanded may have a higher IQ. Would you make your child go through this? —M.

DEAR READER >> Forcing naturally left-handed people to use their right hand has been done for centuries. There has long been a prejudice against lefthander­s (think of the term “sinister,” which is Latin for “left”). Certain diseases were thought to be more likely in left-handers (they aren’t). However, you are right that people who score at the very top of many tests, such as the SAT, are more often lefthanded than expected. Forcing someone to use their right hand causes a “rewiring” of the brain. Although the brain can adapt, I certainly would not recommend forcing someone to change their handedness.

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