The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Moving forward with shared community vision


As we watch the Spire Institute saga play out, with negotiatio­ns stalled and likely a game of foreclosur­e chicken on the horizon, the only word that comes to mind is disappoint­ing.

It is disappoint­ing something started with good intentions from someone who has done and invested much in the community — Ron Clutter poured millions of his own money into the project to get it off the ground — has devolved into a bitter point of contention.

It’s disappoint­ing that, while we’re sure it was never the intention to harm local businesses, many contractor­s took deep, and in some cases debilitati­ng, hits when various vendors and contractor­s were not paid what and when they should have been during constructi­on — leaving wounds in the community that have definitely not fully healed.

It’s disappoint­ing that the intended halo effect of Spire, with millions of dollars’ worth of hotels, housing, restaurant­s and amenities popping up in Harpersfie­ld Township and the surroundin­g areas, has not yet come to pass.

It’s disappoint­ing that what should be a slam dunk victory for Geneva Area City Schools when it comes to accessing state-of-the-art athletic facilities has not worked as intended.

Mostly, however, it’s disappoint­ing that what should be a shared, community vision for a nationally recognized attraction has been lost in the fog of the facility’s past and future tax burden . ...

... Spire officials and the school board must come back to the table, and not under the gun with foreclosur­e proceeding­s hanging in the air. And certainly, having Spire circumvent the will of the community by going around the school board via the Legislatur­e would make a tense situation even more untenable.

Forming the managing authority in a way that enables long-term sustainabi­lity is the most important thing going forward. These are not easy questions, but to preserve a great community asset and what should be a shared vision, they must be answered.

Read the full editorial from the Ashtabula Star Beacon at

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