The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Negative campaign reflects panic


Blockbuste­r tax cuts for big pharma is the title of Frank Clemente’s column on Dec. 13, 2017. So who is Frank other than the director of Americans for Tax Fairness? He was a professor at Penn State, and certainly is a Trump hater. He has attacked Trump’s Treasury pick, his infrastruc­ture plan and now the GOP tax plan.

His complaint about companies moving their headquarte­rs overseas so as to park profits overseas happened while Barack Obama was president. The GOP and Trump are trying to fix that problem in spite of the resistance of Democrats in Congress.

He claims that “87 million middle class families” would face higher taxes. Would these be the half of all Americans who pay no income tax at all? With the proposed increase in the standard deduction and dependent allowance, the middle class people who do pay income tax will pay less.

Frank Clemente should have added Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi to his byline because he is parroting their relentless attacks on what is needed to get our economy going again.

Lowering corporate taxes will make America competitiv­e again. This relentless negative campaign by the Democrats and their liberal media to thwart Trump’s progress merely reflects their panic that Trump’s success will take even more of their power away in the 2018 elections, and give him four more years starting in 2020.

Will the Dems ever realize they need to be for something, not just be against everything? Don Race New London

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