The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

It’s time for America to regain its courage


For centuries, America has defined itself as “the land of the free, and the home of the brave.” Perhaps at one time that may have been true, but no longer. Today a better descriptio­n might be “the land of the imprisoned, and the home of the fearful.”

Why? Because we are prisoners to our own fears.

At some point over the last century, we let fear begin to dictate our every move and every decision. Politician­s fear losing campaign donors if they vote their conscience. People fear imminent terrorist attacks from anyone who looks different than themselves. Parents fear sending their children to school unless the teachers are armed.

And worst of all, ordinary citizens fear reaching across the aisle to those who think differentl­y because they might be considered weak.

When did we become such cowards? What happened to standing up for what is right, working together to make our lives better, and being brave enough to live our lives without constant course correction based on what scares us?

It’s time for Americans to find their courage again.

Visit or call your congressma­n or congresswo­man and demand that they act in the best interest of their constituen­ts, rather than the best interest of their political careers. Introduce yourself to someone who looks different and see for yourself that a whole race of people is not defined by the acts of a few.

Support your local school levies so they can provide the resources to help troubled children and make sure your kids come home safe. Talk to your friends and relatives about the hard stuff and listen to what they have to say, no matter how uncomforta­ble it makes you. Find your courage again America, because living in fear is not living at all. Kate Rivet Vermilion

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