The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Now is time to break free today

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito

There was once a soldier who was wounded, perhaps beyond recovery, on the battlefiel­d. He was in the hospital and was not expected to survive. Despair came over the soldier. He felt hopeless. Battling fear, tormenting thoughts and negative emotions were affecting his mind-set. For the soldier thought he was doomed and that his life was over.

Neverthele­ss, a medical doctor examined the soldier. Next, the doctor said to a nearby nurse, “If this man can live until tomorrow’s sun goes down, he will get well.”

The soldier heard what the doctor uttered, and those words of hope lingered in his mind. He looked beyond his condition to what God could do. And the soldier stopped believing destructiv­e thoughts about his health and his future. As he clung tenaciousl­y to life, the soldier meditated on and repeated those words to himself, “If I can live until tomorrow’s sun goes down, I will get well.”

With that belief, instantly, he broke free of his self-defeating, negative mind-set. Then, he watched the sun rise and marked its course through the day. And, the soldier miraculous­ly did survive and, before long, he thrived.

Romans 8:24 tells us, “We are saved by hope.” Hope is the anchor of the soul; it is one of the most dynamic factors in life.

A few weeks ago, I was driving to work, and I hit a pothole on the road. After that, my car wasn’t running properly. It pulled to one side, and the steering wheel wasn’t centered. The next day, I brought my car to a service center. After checking the car, the service advisor said that my car needed to be realigned. Yet, once the angles of the wheels were adjusted, and the car was aligned correctly, it ran smoothly.

Likewise, sometimes, that’s what happens to us. Life’s challenges can throw us off balance. Then, our thoughts may try to convince us that we are condemned to a sad, lonely, or a difficult life.

But don’t stay focused on the difficulti­es and struggles. In the Bible, God told Joshua: “Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid; do not be discourage­d. The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9). For God is telling you the same thing right now.

God is with you the whole way through. Have faith, for God is working situations out for your good. Your struggles are going to come to an end. So, take your focus off of your circumstan­ces and onto a strong, loving God.

Do not allow fear to stop you. For God wants you to advance in every good area. Don’t let a loss, an unjust or challengin­g circumstan­ce frighten you, discourage you or hold you back from a peaceful, joyful, victorious future. Remember, those obstacles in front of you are no match for God’s power.

Be greatly encouraged. This is your day of freedom. And so, push through the fear. Smile again. Dream again. Make plans again. Believe that God can take a mess and turn it into a miracle. I once heard it said this way: God can take your scar and turn it into a star.

Draw close to, and turn your attention toward God. Break free! Counter any negativity and get your mind renewed by God’s word:

• Perhaps, you are facing a longstandi­ng problem. Break free! God is on your side. Stand your ground, expect a turnaround and recite, “God, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretch­ed arm. Nothing is too difficult for You.” (Jeremiah 32:17).

• You could be worried and afraid. Break free! God’s favor is on your life. You will rise above challenges and emerge better than ever before. Hence, all through the day state: “For God hath not given us (me) the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7).

• Possibly, you think you’re not strong enough to overcome. Break free! God has you in the palm of His Hand. Continue to persevere and say, “I can do all things through Him who strengthen­s me.” (Philippian­s 4:13).

• Maybe you’re in need of a new start. Break free! Your life is just beginning. See the possibilit­ies ahead and declare, “And He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’” (Revelation 21:5).

• Or else, you might be burdened down with feelings of hopelessne­ss. Break free! With God all things are possible. Wait upon the Lord, for He will renew your strength, and each morning recite, “God restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousn­ess.” (Psalm 23:3).

Changing the way you think and what you say can make a big difference in the way you feel. Therefore, renew and align your mind to consider only the best, the wholesome, the good, talking of hope, health, happiness and peace. Think, converse and act hopeful about everything. Speak victory; not defeat. Talk to yourself with words that will help you. Each day, cite life-affirming phrases such as, “I will prevail,” “I’ll get better,” “New opportunit­ies are ahead,” “I can succeed,” “There is greatness within me,” “I’ll accomplish my dreams,” “My relationsh­ips are strong,” “I will be healed,” and “God loves me perfectly.” As you do, hopefulnes­s and joy will take over and create the fact. Then, begin to thank and praise God. Stop talking and thinking about what you don’t have and start thinking and thanking God for what you do have right now. Write those blessings down on colorful sticky notes, and post them where you can see them daily.

Recently, while taking a walk in the center of my hometown, I noticed a large billboard on the side of the road that was advertisin­g an insurance company. The words on the billboard read: You are not alone.

God loves you; He treasures you and is guiding you. You are not alone. Have a sensitive ear to His still, small voice. For soon, God is going to use you in a miraculous capacity… Get ready for God to do something new for you.

God loves you; He treasures you and is guiding you. You are not alone.

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