The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Should online class be at discount?

- Robert Massa University of Southern California

Not long after the COVID-19 pandemic caused colleges to start teaching remotely, students balked at the idea of paying full tuition for online learning. It’s not hard to understand why.

After all, they were not getting the football and basketball games, student clubs, access to labs and the library and the out-of-class conversati­ons that are all part of the typical campus experience.

Although students who study online will not pay the room, board and activities fees that typically cover nonacademi­c costs, concern about paying full tuition continues this fall, as many universiti­es opt to continue online instructio­n in the interest of keeping students, faculty and staff safe from the pandemic.

Is it right to expect to pay less tuition for online learning? Or are colleges justified in charging the full tuition price when classes – at least at many schools – won’t be taking place on campus?

As a longtime college admissions and enrollment leader – and now as a professor of higher education – I have some insights.

One of the most important is that fewer than one in five families pay the full price for in-person instructio­n to begin with. They are getting a break through scholarshi­ps and needbased grants from the colleges. In other words, most students are already getting a discount.

In addition, it’s important to understand the difference between the price of education and the cost of education.

Price is the amount of money charged to a consumer – in this case a student – for a good or service. Cost is the amount of money the provider spends to produce that good or provide that service.

Unlike in business, the price colleges charge – that is, tuition – is almost always less than the cost to provide instructio­n. The difference is covered by taxpayers and grants at public colleges and by endowment earnings, gifts and grants at private colleges.

In other words, even when their families are paying “full price,” Americans are not paying for the full cost of their education.

However, the cost of instructio­n during the pandemic has actually increased due to the need for new technology platforms, training and online instructio­nal support.

Faculty are still teaching and are available to students for extra help and consultati­on.

And because some students and staff will be on campus even if teaching is primarily online, colleges have spent millions of dollars updating and maintainin­g their campuses for COVID-19 safety.

With the toll of the pandemic bearing down on our nation and its colleges and universiti­es, that may not be something that students and their parents necessaril­y want to hear.

They see that they are being asked to pay “in-person” tuition prices for remote learning and feel like it’s a ripoff.

However, it is important to understand that in expecting colleges to reduce tuition when they are paying more to deliver instructio­n is to ask colleges to take on an even bigger share of the cost than they already do.

Even if schools offered “online discounts,” it may not make as big a difference as people think because of the way that financial aid works.

At four-year public and nonprofit private colleges and universiti­es, 85% of undergradu­ates receive financial aid.

Financial aid is based on the price charged minus what a family would be expected to pay, based on a federal formula. So, if tuition were lowered, students would get less financial aid and would therefore be expected to pay the same amount of money no matter what the tuition charge.

As a result, even at the colleges offering an online discount, the students who need that discount the most are going to benefit the least.

For example, if tuition is $40,000 and you are expected to pay $10,000, you might get $30,000 in various forms of aid. If tuition is reduced to $36,000, you are still expected to pay $10,000, and you might get $26,000 in aid.

The tab for tuition does not generally cover out-of-class experience­s such as student activities and residence hall functions. When going remote, colleges will not be charging residence hall, food and activities fees. That means colleges will lose revenue on those things. They will lay off some staff who work with student groups.

So while charges for room and board and student activities and athletics fees will be eliminated for online-only instructio­n, tuition pricing will either be untouched or be slightly reduced.

But the ability for a college to reduce tuition will depend largely on the school’s financial health.

Even in light of these realities, some schools are still lowering tuition for online learning.

Predictabl­y, many students are not convinced that online instructio­n will be of the same quality as in-person. Plus, many students are understand­ably upset because they did not expect to spend their college days doing remote learning.

But there is a potential longterm benefit.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced higher education leaders to control costs by changing priorities and eliminatin­g nonessenti­al spending in ways that they didn’t have to think as much about doing before. As a result, perhaps tuition increases will moderate in the short term, and stay more affordable in the future.

After all of the stress and pain caused by the pandemic, this may be one positive change.

The Conversati­on is an independen­t and nonprofit source of news, analysis and commentary from academic experts.

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