The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

What happened to boundaries?

- Cal Thomas Readers may email Cal Thomas at tcaeditors@ Look for Cal Thomas’ latest book “America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires and Superpower­s and the Future of the United States” (HarperColl­ins/Zondervan).

Every sport has its boundaries. Rules for playing the game may occasional­ly change, but the boundaries remain. In baseball, a ball hit outside the foul line is out of play. In football, a catch made outside the sidelines is ruled incomplete. All games must be played within boundaries. No one would think of erasing them. If they did, how could they ever expect an orderly contest?

Boundaries are rapidly being erased in American culture. It seems everything has been sacrificed to opinion polls, campaign contributi­ons from certain advocacy groups and editorial support from major newspapers.

House passage of a bill disingenuo­usly dubbed the “Equality Act,” which, according to the Human Rights Campaign, “would provide consistent and explicit anti-discrimina­tion protection­s for LGBTQ people across key areas of life, including employment, housing, credit, education, public spaces and services, federally funded programs, and jury service, targets what few boundaries remain about human behavior.

Passage in the Senate is less certain as 60 votes are required, but the fact the bill is a favorite among most Democrats should tell us something about that party and the cultural direction of the country.

Conservati­ves eschew liberalism in all its forms. Most, citing a deep-rooted connection to their Christian faith. Some of these conservati­ves believe that granting special rights for what they regard as chosen behavior means there will be no stopping claims from other groups demanding similar federal protection­s.

Polygamist groups, for example, demand their “rights.” Why not? Who is to say “no” and based on what? Just as liberal judges often make new laws from the bench, we are watering down, or eliminatin­g, cultural laws and mores at warp speed.

What are the consequenc­es to a society that embraces an “anything goes” mentality? Who among us wants to publicly oppose anything for fear of being labeled a bigot? The standard for what is acceptable and what is not is now subjective­ly determined.

Polygamist­s groups began campaignin­g for the legalizati­on of their relationsh­ips soon after the Supreme Court narrowly approved same-sex marriage in 2015 (the vote was 5-4). Who will say, “no, this is too far”? On what would such an assertion be based? The Constituti­on? The Bible? Not likely when both sources of law and faithbased teaching have been diluted to the point of being unrecogniz­able in much of modern and increasing­ly secular America.

Both are now simply ignored or considered open to individual interpreta­tion.

In his classic book, “Mere Christiani­ty,” C.S. Lewis, writes about moral claims people make on one another. He notes they often say you should or should not do such and such, or you ought to say, or not say certain things. In this, he says, they are appealing to a standard outside of themselves.

Here is how Lewis puts it: “Now what interests me about all of these remarks is that the man who makes them is not merely saying that the other man’s behavior does not happen to please him. He is appealing to some kind of standard of behavior which he expects the other man to know about...”

Today’s “other man” may know about such standards, but he is likely afraid to speak of them lest he be ostracized from what used to be called polite society.

So, please, tell me if you can: do any standards exist and if they do, based on what? If you believe they don’t, on what is this belief based?

Denying a standard is in itself a standard, is it not?

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