The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

With spunky spirit, teen dramedy takes on bad alpha males

With spunky spirit, Netflix teen dramedy takes on bad alpha males

- By Mark Meszoros @MarkMeszor­os on Twitter

Sometimes, all that matters is that a movie gets to where it was going. Take “Moxie,” for example. The new Netflix teen dramedy from actor-director Amy Poehler — about a shy girl who anonymousl­y starts a mostly female-powered social revolution at her high school — threatens to fall apart late in the second act. Ultimately, though, Poehler shepherds the film from Point A, the film’s strong setup, to Point B, its emotionall­y satisfying conclusion.

That ham-fisted storytelli­ng that threatened to derail the otherwise highly enjoyable work? Water under the proverbial bridge. Based on Jennifer Mathieu’s 2017 young-adult novel of the same name, “Moxie” centers around 16-year-old Vivian (Hadley Robinson). She’s smart and has a likewise intelligen­t BFF in Claudia (Lauren Tsai of “Legion”).

While they both dream of going off to college together at the University of California, Berkeley, Claudia is more caught up in school gossip. On the first day of their junior year, Claudia is consumed with what girls will land where on the school’s alpha males’ obnoxious annual list relating to their female classmates’ superficia­l qualities. That said, Vivian basically goes through school life excusing the often-gross behavior of the guys — most notably Mitchell (Patrick Schwarzene­gger), captain of the football team.

Enter transfer student Lucy (Alycia Pascual-Peña), who’s not the least bit willing to excuse such behavior and becomes a target of Mitchell. (She even inspires a new terrible category when the aforementi­oned list hits social media.)

“If you keep your head down,” Vivian tells Lucy, “he’ll move on and bother somebody else.”

“Thanks for the advice,” Lucy says, “but I’m going to keep my head up — high.” This helps to stir something in Vivian, as does a window into the protest-filled past of her single mom, Lisa (Poehler), who now lives a simple life and enjoys that a coworker (Clark Gregg) has taken an interest in her.

Vivian, too, has an admirer, in the kind, skateboard­ing Seth (a really likable Nico Hiraga of “Booksmart” and “Ballers”), who’s outgrown his old “Seth the Shrimp” nickname. Their eventual, spontaneou­s first date of sorts is cute in a pleasantly offbeat way.

However, Vivian becomes most focused on Moxie, a zine she anonymousl­y creates and distribute­s in the school.

With some artistic flair, she aims to inspire the young women around her and to call out the young men who deserve it. Lucy, for one, loves it, and soon she, Vivian and other girls are talking about content in Moxie and its suggestion­s for displays of solidarity, such as drawing hearts and stars on your hands. (Seth does it, too, earning big points with Vivian.)

For Vivian, this new passion comes at the cost of a weakening of her friendship with Claudia, who wants to keep flying under the radar, especially because her mother is very demanding of her. If there’s a female villain in “Moxie,” however, it’s Shelly (Marcia Gay Harden), the school principal. She is more than willing to turn a blind eye to bad male behavior in her school, especially when it involves Mitchell.

Early on in the film, she not so elegantly moves Lucy off her use of the word “harassment” when she complains to her about the jock.

“Moxie” stumbles a bit when the stakes of keeping Moxie going are raised for Vivian, and she lashes out at Seth and, more ferociousl­y, at her mother. That a teenage girl would treat her mother unfairly certainly is believable, but Poehler and writers Tamara Chestna and Dylan Meyer do not lay enough groundwork for it.

And a subplot involving the Moxie crew trying to steer an athletic scholarshi­p away from Mitchell at the last minute away and to one of their own feels halfbaked.

Most disappoint­ingly, despite a significan­t amount of screentime for PascualPeñ­a (Peacock’s “Saved by the Bell”), Lucy is an underdevel­oped character. She’s so crucial to Vivian’s arc, and the Afro-Latina actress is so good in the movie, that we’re left wanting to know more about the character.

Ultimately, though, this movie is about Vivian, and Robinson (“Little Women,” “I’m Thinking of Ending Things”) is well-cast. Thanks in part to her, Vivian is easy to root for — even when we know she’s making a mistake that will cost her.

By the way, yes, Schwarzene­gger (“Echo Boomers”) is the son of Arnold, and yes, he’s successful at playing this guy you come to loathe — that is if you don’t from the moment you meet him.

This is the second directoria­l effort for “Saturday Night Live” and “Parks and Recreation” alum Poehler, following 2019’s “Wine Country,” which received mixed reviews. Although “Moxie” feels a little rough around the edges, Poehler nails the film’s crucial climactic sequence, which goes a long way toward smoothing over those edges.

Be warned that after addressing what a high school principal may not want to see as harassment, “Moxie” swims, appropriat­ely, into heavier waters. That only helps its ending to resonate with the viewer. It may have a few flaws, but this movie has that certain … what’s the word … spirit that makes it worth seeing.

 ?? NETFLIX ?? Hadley Robinson stars as Vivian, who secretly leads a social revolution at her high school, in “Moxie.”
NETFLIX Hadley Robinson stars as Vivian, who secretly leads a social revolution at her high school, in “Moxie.”

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