The Morning Journal (Lorain, OH)

Notable events that have taken place on


Residents of the United States spend July 4th celebratin­g the country’s independen­ce. Though July 4 has served as America’s Independen­ce Day for centuries, many other significan­t and memorable events have taken place on the fourth day of July.

ned in Pennsylvan­ia. The treaty dictates that roquois will cede land between the Alleghen ntains and the Ohio River to the Britis c

• 1776: The United States Declaratio of ndependenc­e is adopted by the Second Cont al Congress. July 4 actually marks the e final wording of the declaratio­n, which ha submitted on July 2, was approved.

• 1802: The United States Military Academy officially commences operations. Located in West Point, New , the USMA is the oldest of the five America ce academies.

• 1826: On the fiftieth anniversar­y of the adoption of the Declaratio­n of the Independen­ce, the second and third presidents of the United States, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, respective­ly, pass away. Both men were instrument­al to American success during the American Revolution.

• 1831: Samuel Francis Smith’ ountry, ‘Tis of The ” ed in public for the first t

Day celebratio­n in Boston.

• 1845: Naturalist and essayist into a cabin on Walden Pond in C experience­s there would later be d

• 1913: President oodrow Wil Americ n ar at a reunion m s e Battle of Gettysburg. M the war, including roughly 9,00 the reunion.

• 1939: New York Yankees first nounces retirement to a crowd ing the he feels h is “the luckie earth.” hrig had recently bee late al sclerosis, a disease that wo as “Lou Gehr g’s disease.”

1983: Twenty-four-year ol Ne Dave Righetti throws a no-hitter Sox at Yankee Stadium. Righetti s batters he faced and even overcam when umpire Steve Palermo suffe Yankees owner George Steinbrenn as he was in Flori rat ng h

The cornerston­e of th World Tra s te in


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