The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Start measuring real damage


In reacting to President Obama’s rejection of the Keystone Pipeline proposal, Sen. Mitch McConnell said “It was clear that the President is more interested in appeasing deeppocket­ed special interests and extremists” than in helping people get jobs.

Putting aside the irony of any lifelong politician railing against another politician for allegedly taking a position on

It’s time to recognize caregivers

November is National Family Caregiver Month, a time to recognize the 65 million family caregivers in America who take care of a disabled, ill or elderly family member.

Hospice services, which my team at Crossroads Hospice in Cleveland provides, are designed in part to care for caregivers who manage a stressful yet essential role.

Two out of every five adults are family caregivers who face often financial, emotional, and physical stresses. We offer these tips for our families and anyone in the caregiver role:

• Learn about your loved one’s medical condition.

• Review his or her health insurance to understand what it covers.

• Have the tough conversati­on with your loved one about what he or she wants. It is a gift to you to know their wishes. Then document those wishes.

• Accept help from friends. Make a wish list of things you’d like help with. Lots of people will offer to “do anything to help.” Feel free to say: “As a matter of fact, it would help if you could ____.”

Marijuana still illegal in Ohio

Thank you so much for printing my letter Oct. 24 regarding the marijuana ballot issue.

I’ve been told that letters in newspapers are an effective method of promoting a cause. I received phone calls thanking me for the letter.

Your paper printed several other letters that supported a no vote on State Issue 3. I appreciate your doing that.

For the present, marijuana continues to be illegal in Ohio.

Enjoys reading daily newspaper

You asked for our opinions about The News Herald. I subscribe daily for many years. Breakfast would not be the same without the paper.

I am a volunteer at Lake West Hospital and I have the happy job of delivering the paper to the patients on Thursday.

I do miss Mr. Collins column in Sunday’s paper. I’m a fan. Editor’s note: Jim Collins’ Editor’s Notebook will return soon.

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