The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Protective brother wakes up to terrible surprise

- Amy Dickinson

DEAR AMY >> My younger sister and I are young adults. We are extremely close, and have many mutual friends. She is educated, attractive, successful, single and often regarded as the type to take no nonsense from guys. I am sometimes regarded as the slightly overprotec­tive older brother.

This past weekend we took a trip together, went out to bars and split a hotel room.

I allowed a mutual friend to stay with us, because he had been drinking. This friend is known for his exploits with women. I fell asleep rather quickly, but awoke after a few minutes to them engaging in extremely animated intercours­e.

I was paralyzed, but left the room as soon as I could. I spent the rest of the night/ morning on the street before texting my sister and telling her to have him leave immediatel­y.

I feel regretful, betrayed and utterly disrespect­ed by both of them. I’ve had words with my sister and she has apologized, but none of it seems to help me process what I witnessed.

I feel like I don’t even know who she is anymore.

I’ve not yet said anything to my friend. They are both integral parts of my life (especially my sister) and I can’t imagine life without either of them.

I know alcohol played a part, but I was with them all evening and know they were both in control of their faculties, so I don’t accept that as an excuse. Am I overreacti­ng? What can I do to get past this?

— Traumatize­d DEAR TRAUMATIZE­D >> You have every right to feel disrespect­ed, and you were — extremely. Among other indignitie­s, you were basically forced to spend much of the night on the street.

However, you should examine your feelings of betrayal. Is it because your sister couldn’t see through your friend’s reputation and hooked up with him? Or is it because she does know and doesn’t care?

Do you feel betrayed because your friend can be a player with other people’s sisters, but not yours?

These two are consenting adults. They should have the right to engage sexually with one another without you feeling involved — or betrayed.

Their choice to have sex in front of you? I agree that this is extreme, traumatic and very disrespect­ful. Your sister has apologized. Now you must confront your friend.

You will also have to rewire your ideals concerning your sister. This could ultimately be liberating for both of you.

DEAR AMY >> “Keeping My Name” thought it was sexist to be referred to as “Mrs. (husbands last name)” when she had kept her given name after marriage. I can understand that.

Although I did not keep my given name after marriage, I am offended when a sister-in-law addresses mail to us as “The (husband’s full name) Family.”

While this may have been customary 100 years ago, now it just sounds patriarcha­l.

It sounds to me like the addressees are husband and children, with the omission being fully intended.

— Left Out DEAR LEFT OUT >> I have had a huge response to the letter from “Keeping My Name.” This shows how very important names are, and how sensitive people are if they are addressed by a name that isn’t theirs.

In the case of Keeping My Name, I pointed out that even though she never took her husband’s surname, she is, formally speaking, “Mrs. Husband’s Name,” i.e. “the wife of” her husband.

Yes, this is old-fashioned. And since there isn’t an equivalent term for “the husband of,” it does seem sexist.

According to a recent story in The New York Times, roughly 20 percent of women married in recent years have kept their names. (I am one of them.)

But if relatively few women are keeping their surnames post-marriage (let’s stop calling them “maiden” names), why do some of these same women not want to be addressed as “Mrs. Husband’s Name”?

I assume in your case it is because if you’ve already surrendere­d your last name, you would like to hold onto your own first name. You should mention this to your sisterin-law.

DEAR AMY >> Our 27-year-old daughter’s boyfriend just broke up with her. They had been in a loving relationsh­ip for more than two years, and we had enthusiast­ically welcomed him into our family.

As my daughter struggles, I am struggling too. Our family loved this young man and we feel blindsided and betrayed, as it was so unexpected.

He has not contacted us. Everything about their relationsh­ip looked like “forever,” and I know in my head I was planning their wedding and grandkids.

I understand my daughter is heartbroke­n and I am trying to be there for her, but it’s hard because I feel so depressed too. I know it’s not about me, but I am surprised at the depth of my sadness. Any guidance?

— Sad Mom DEAR MOM >> This is a very common reaction to the sudden ending of an intimate relationsh­ip.

This man will probably not contact you. If he is severing his relationsh­ip with your daughter, he is also severing his relationsh­ip with you.

Your daughter is mourning the death of possibilit­y, just as you are. You will adjust, just as she will.

What you should not do is expose your daughter to your own grief and sadness. It is the unique burden of parents in your position to remain fairly neutral about the ex (they may get back together), and supportive of the partner left behind.

DEAR AMY >> “Upset” was mad at her mother-in-law for refusing to provide a recipe for an often-made dessert that was her husband’s favorite.

The solution is easy. Almost every recipe in the world is available on the internet; Upset could have bypassed her MIL’s rudeness completely by simply looking it up.

— Fellow Cook DEAR COOK >> I assume this is what “Upset” probably did in the end. She was miffed that her mother-in-law was refusing to honor a fairly simple request.

Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@tribpub. com.

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