The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Pressure on GOP to revamp health law grows

- By Alan Fram and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar The Associated Press

WASHINGTON >> President Donald Trump declared Monday that “Nobody knew that health care could be so complicate­d.” Yet the opposite has long been painfully obvious for top congressio­nal Republican­s, who face mounting pressure to scrap the law even as problems grow longer and knottier.

With the GOP-controlled Congress starting its third month of work on one of its marquee priorities, unresolved difficulti­es include how their substitute would handle Medicaid, whether millions of voters might lose coverage, if their proposed tax credits would be adequate and how to pay for the costly exercise.

The nonpartisa­n Congressio­nal Budget Office made their job even dicier recently, giving House Republican­s an informal analysis that their emerging plan would be more expensive than they hoped and cover fewer people than former President Barack Obama’s statute. The analysis was described by lobbyists speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversati­ons with congressio­nal aides.

For many in the party, those problems, while major, are outweighed by pledges they’ve made for years to repeal Obama’s 2010 law and substitute a GOP alternativ­e. Conservati­ves favoring full repeal are pitted against more cautious moderates and governors looking to curb Medicaid’s costs also worry about constituen­ts losing coverage. But Republican­s see inaction as the worst alternativ­e and leaders may plunge ahead as soon as next week with initial House committee votes on legislatio­n.

“I believe they have left themselves no choice. Politicall­y they must do something,” Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a Republican economist and health analyst, said Monday.

Trump spoke about health care’s complexiti­es on a day he held White House talks with dozens of governors worried Republican­s could shift a huge financial burden to the states by curbing Medicaid, the federal-state program that helps low-income people and those in nursing homes pay bills. Republican governors told reporters later that Trump would describe some specifics of his own plan in an address Tuesday to a joint session of Congress.

Trump also met with insurance company executives concerned that uncertaint­y about possible GOP changes could roil the marketplac­e. Insurers said they remain committed to working with the administra­tion and the GOP-led Congress.

Trump said the current health insurance market is “going to absolutely implode”— a contention he and other Republican­s have made repeatedly. With premiums, deductible­s and other out-of-pockets costs increasing in many individual markets, Democrats concede that changes are needed. But they contest that dire descriptio­n and have no interest in helping Republican­s kill Obama’s statute.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., told reporters that Republican­s have yet to win any Democratic support for their effort and said “the odds are very high” Obama’s law won’t be repealed.

Congress returned Monday from a recess that spotlighte­d hurdles the GOP faces.

Many Republican­s endured rough receptions at town hall meetings from activist backers of Obama’s overhaul. Governors meeting in Washington received a consultant­s’ report warning that planned Republican cuts in Medicaid and federal subsidies for consumers buying private insurance would risk coverage for many people and serious funding gaps for states.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, RAlaska, said she wouldn’t support blocking federal payments to Planned Parenthood or repealing the health law’s expansion of Medicaid — two staple GOP proposals. And former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, predicted at a Florida forum last week that full repeal and replacemen­t of Obama’s law is “not going to happen” and suggested they’d end up leaving much of the law intact.

The plan House Republican­s are considerin­g includes helping people pay doctors’ bills with tax credits based on age, not income, and expanding taxadvanta­ged health savings accounts. They would also end Obama’s expansion of Medicaid to more low earners and the open-ended federal payments states currently receive to help pay for the program.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, said leaders are making changes “almost daily.” He said one focus is making sure the GOP tax credit is “real,” despite Democratic charges that the proposal would leave many unable to afford health care.

Although “Obamacare” has never been popular, public opinion polls show most Americans want changes but not a complete takedown of the law. Consumers are unhappy that Obama’s statute did not tame cost problems but don’t see taking coverage away as the answer.

At the same time, a number of Republican governors have taken a different path from the congressio­nal GOP. Instead of insisting that the law be repealed, they reached accommodat­ions with the previous administra­tion that allowed the statute’s Medicaid expansion to proceed in their states. According to the nonpartisa­n Kaiser Family Foundation, 16 states with GOP governors have expanded Medicaid.

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