The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

With God, there is always a way

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito

On a warm mid-summer afternoon, a father and his teenage daughter took a hike in a quiet, conservati­ve countrysid­e. While walking on a deserted trail, they enjoyed the beauty and serenity of nature. But after a while, hiking up a long, winding pathway, the father stopped. He looked to the right and then to the left. Feeling a twinge of uneasiness, the father thought that they might be lost.

So he asked his daughter, “Do you have any idea where we are now?” The girl shrugged her shoulders and replied, “No, father.”

They walked further. The next ten minutes seemed like an eternity. Then they stopped again. Not sure which way they should proceed, the father leaned against a tree for a moment and questioned his daughter, “Do you know where we’re going?” Once again, the girl uttered, “No, father.”

A bit puzzled, the father said, “I guess we’re lost then.” The girl followed her father’s gaze and shook her head ‘no.’

The daughter’s gentle brown eyes seemed to gleam with a secret message. Next, she confidentl­y declared, “I’m not lost, father…. I am with you.”

Overcome with emotions, the father smiled. And soon they found their way back to the right trail and back home to safety.

In difficult times, it’s easy to say, “Father, where are you?” Maybe challenges are knocking at your door like a regular visitor. Possibly, you’re uncertain about the future. And, at times, perhaps, you don’t know what you should do next. But as this father was with his beloved daughter through the path of twists and turns, God, your father, is with you now.

With God, you are never lost. You’re not alone. God’s presence is with you. So trust in His promises. Trust in His timing. And trust in God. You’ll never be overcome. Therefore, be encouraged. Rest assured. God is there. So stay committed. Be determined. Don’t give up on the promises God placed in your heart. And He will see you though to victory. For, today, God is saying to you, “I am with you every step of your journey.”

Are you fearful or anxious? With God, there is always a way. God created you to have wings, to rise above your circumstan­ces. Thus, put fears and concerns aside over uncertaint­ies that may lie ahead. Rather, focus on being grateful and thank God daily for all of your blessings. Remember, “The Lord is your light and your salvation— whom will you fear? The Lord is the strength of your life; of whom will I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1).

Have you experience­d unfair circumstan­ces? With God, there is always a way. Do not give up on what you’re believing. There are infinite possibilit­ies ahead for you. Pray and keep pursing your goals. Soon, your stumbling blocks will turn into stepping stones. God will make the wrongs turn out right. And you will go further than you’ve imaged. Hence, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; listen to His voice in everything you do, and He will keep your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5,6).

Is there a dream you’ve had that has not yet come to pass? With God, there is always a way. God’s resources are unlimited, and His supply is boundless. So don’t pull back. Step up, for God has a great plan for you. You have countless gifts and strengths to be used for the good of others. Start looking forward to what God has next for you. Your time of success is coming. Before long, you’ll receive your breakthrou­gh. Thus, “Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.” (Psalm 37:5).

Therefore, do not despair or be shaken by temporary setbacks, challenges or delays. Similar to a Rubik cube that has many different sides, God has countless ways to help you, heal you, and restore you. It is just a matter of time before God blesses you and causes your situation to work out much better and more rewarding than ever.

I know a woman who, years ago, was dealing with a painful breakup in a relationsh­ip. Although the change was troubling, she made the decision to not sit around and feel sorry for herself. The woman knew God was with her. She had the attitude that believed that her past difficulti­es were stepping stones to move her forward onto something far better.

The woman didn’t complain for she knew that complainin­g could distort our perspectiv­e. And when we magnify adverse situations, we can make them worse. For if we keep thinking about and talking about wrongdoing­s or the seemingly dead end; it will stifle our ability to come up with creative solutions. Paralyzed by anxiety, the stress of replaying that negativity in our minds and holding on to bitterness, may zap our energy, trigger un-due stress, and might cause us to make poor choices.

Even though, the woman got knocked down, she got back up again. She remained faithful. The woman prayed. And she went places with her friends to meet new people and even asked her coworkers if they knew any single, young men. Then, she joined an exercise class that helped her increase her confidence and even volunteere­d in her community. The woman continued to enjoy her life, trusting that at the right time God would bring her to the perfect person for with whom to share her life.

Quite coincident­ally, at a work event, she did meet someone. Almost immediatel­y, she knew that this man was her soul-mate. Now, four years later, they are married and expecting their first child.

When she looks back, she says, “That break-up was the best thing that ever happened to me.” And she thanks God daily for knowing best, and moving her out of that past relationsh­ip.

You haven’t been brought this far for God to give up on you now. So don’t give up on yourself and the amazing future that’s in store.

God your Father is with you. Take that next step in faith…. and you’ll discover … with God, there is always a way.

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