The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Viral pneumonia can cause shortness of breath, as can COPD

- Keith Roach To Your Good Health

DEAR DR. ROACH » I am an active 68-year-old woman. I still work part time, walk 2-3 miles a day and enjoy gardening.

In late April, I noticed that I was short of breath after exertion, like when walking upstairs or with intensive gardening. Two weeks later, I was so short of breath that I was hospitaliz­ed. I had a chest CAT scan, an echocardio­gram and a nuclear stress test. The only finding was ?a ground glass opacity in my lower lobes.?

I saw a pulmonary doctor and had pulmonary function tests, which were normal. I was treated with Levaquin when hospitaliz­ed, and have been on Symbicort (two puffs twice a day). My doctor thinks I had viral pneumonia and will have an eight-week recovery. I?m still not feeling well. I tire easily and am short of breath on exertion. Thoughts? DEAR READER » A ?ground glass? opacity is a radiology term describing the appearance of the lung tissue on X-ray; it doesn?t mean anything literally about glass. The list of possibilit­ies (doctors call this a ?differenti­al diagnosis?) for a bilateral (both lungs) ground glass opacity is very large. There are a lot of lung diseases that may look that way.

Viral pneumonia is one. If that?s the case, the X-ray gradually will return to normal. The uncertaint­y is reflected in your treatment: Levaquin is a powerful antibiotic that treats both common and atypical bacterial pneumonia, whereas Symbicort is a medicine used mostly for asthma and chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease.

The fact that your pulmonary function tests were normal is very good news: Lung physiology (that is, how well your lungs work) is more important than how they appear on an X-ray. The symptoms you have are nonspecifi­c and compatible with many lung diseases, including recent infection.

I wholeheart­edly endorse going back to the pulmonary doctor: Some of the possibilit­ies (such as pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosi­s and fungal infection) will benefit from treatment. Sometimes a biopsy is necessary to make a diagnosis.

DEAR DR. ROACH » I?m a 62-year-old male. In the six months since I was put on metformin, I have had two diverticul­itis attacks (I?d never had one before). I believe the timing of these attacks is more than circumstan­tial. There have been no other changes in my diet or lifestyle. Could the metformin be messing with my metabolism in such a way as to cause or exacerbate these attacks? — W.J.R. DEAR READER » Although logically it?s impossible to prove that the metformin isn?t causing the diverticul­itis attacks, a review of Food and Drug Administra­tion reports makes me think that while it may be possible, it?s unlikely. In a nine-year period, there were almost 23,000 adverse events reported on metformin (it?s a very commonly used drug). Of those, 50 of them (0.2 percent) were diverticul­itis.

Diverticul­a are pouches in the colon, thought to be due to higher colon pressure. They are especially common in people with constipati­on. Metformin acts predominan­tly by reducing the amount of sugar produced in the liver, but it can cause diarrhea. I don?t know how metformin would cause diverticul­itis.

Diverticul­itis is more prevalent in people in their 50s and 60s, so it?s more likely that this is just chance, in my opinion.

Contact Dr. Roach at ToYourGood­Health@med.

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