The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Season of the Grape

Serve Grape and Cranberry Crisp at Thanksgivi­ng

- By Sara Moulton The Associated Press

For many of us, the menu for Thanksgivi­ng is etched in stone. We eat the same dishes every year because we love every one of them. But what about switching it up a little by swapping in a Grape and Cranberry Crisp for the more traditiona­l apple, pumpkin or pecan pie?

“Eh,” replies The Husband. “Grapes are so boring. Wouldn’t the crisp be tastier made with raspberrie­s or blueberrie­s?” I calmly note that grapes turn into a whole different fruit when they’re cooked, much more intensely flavorful than in their raw state. Also, fall is grape season, which isn’t true of blueberrie­s and raspberrie­s. Best of all, the grapes in this dessert require no prep — no peeling or coring or slicing. Just a quick rinse and they’re good to go.

Plus, this recipe is almost wantonly customizab­le. What kind of grape to use? Any seed- less grape of any color will do. Don’t like pista- chios? Roll instead with one of your favorites, including walnuts, pecans and almonds. Not a fan of dried cranberrie­s? Dried cherries, apricots, or even raisins (aka dried grapes!) will do nicely. Allergic to gluten? Replace this recipe’s flour with one of the gluten-free brands available at most supermarke­ts. Finally, I happen to have teamed up the grapes with raspberry jam, but you’re welcome to substitute any of the jams or jellies now sitting in your refrigerat­or.

If indeed this dessert busts into the lineup for the Big Meal, you can prep both the grape filling and the topping ahead of time. Just be sure to let the filling cool before pouring it into the pie plate. Then top it with the crisp ingredient­s and park it on the counter until it’s time to pop it into the oven.

I promise you’ll be thrilled to discover the delights of cooked grapes — as even The Husband, ever a skeptic, was.

 ?? SARA MOULTON VIA AP ?? Bowls of grape and cranberry crisps
SARA MOULTON VIA AP Bowls of grape and cranberry crisps

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