The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Be inspired to choose ‘kind’

- Catherine Galasso Vigorito A New You

“Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle.”

Every once in a while, my family and I all sit down together on our comfy, sectional sofa and watch a movie. Based on a book written by a talented author R.J. Palacio, the movie we chose to see one evening was titled, “Wonder.”

The motion picture told the story of a courageous young boy named Auggie Pullman. He was a born with a facial deformity; because of which, Auggie didn’t go to regular school. Rather, he was homeschool­ed by his mother. That was until he got to the fifth grade. And with the support of his loving family, Auggie began to attend school with other children.

One of the main themes of this movie was to: always choose to be kind. For on Auggie’s first day of school, an inspiring teacher had a precept written on his chalk board that said, “When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind.”

Brilliantl­y done, the movie showed its audience how the kind-hearted boy navigated through the ups and downs of life. And it demonstrat­ed just how far simple acts of kindnesses can go. So always be inspired to choose ‘Kind.’

There are hundreds of opportunit­ies each day to give of your time and to bring help and happiness to someone. Think of it this way: Live in such a way that those who know you, but don’t know God, will come to know God because of you.

No matter where you are in life, be a beacon of hope and encouragem­ent to someone else. So wake up each day and ask yourself, “How can I be a blessing to a person today?” Then, go out each day and use a portion of your time to do kind deeds.

As you give out love, benevolenc­es and helpfulnes­s, the same will always come back to you. For as you reach out to others with daily acts of kindness, all of sudden, things will turn in your favor. You’ll feel better. A need will be met. God has big things in store for you. And past stumbling blocks will become stepping stones to your heart’s desire.

Whose life are you influencin­g? Stay on the high road. Be open and honest, and be consistent at home, at work and outside the home. For my last birthday, my daughter made me a handcrafte­d birthday card and wrote a lovely compliment to me within the card that read: “You are the friendlies­t person I ever met. You never fail to make me or anyone smile.”

Let your joy be seen by those around you. Smile! And choose to live this day happy.

Thus, focus on kindness. Aspire to excellence. Lift people up. Pray for others’. Provide a helping hand. Encourage someone; motivate them to fulfill their highest potential. God sees everything that we do. So share and care generously. Applaud another’s good efforts. Listen to them talk, and offer an inspiring word to start them moving on the right path.

There is great power in your words. How will you use them? Speaking a few caring words to another might be one of the most important things you’ll ever do. “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:24). Let your speech always be gracious. Give sincere compliment­s daily. Tell your friends and family often that you appreciate them. Offer your child’s teacher or co-workers a word of praise. Speak hope into others dreams and goals. Assure them, ‘what they can do,’ ‘what they can become,’ ‘what they can achieve.’ Tell someone who is working hard to complete a task that you ‘believe in them,’ ‘you’re praying for them,’ and that ‘God’s hand is moving greatly in their life.’

There is no difficulty that can’t be overcome. There’s no dream that is too big to accomplish. Point the way to others to look at the positive side of situations, for optimism is one of the secrets of those who succeed against the odds.

Years ago, I telephoned a well-known author whom I had met only once before. I had a question about the world of publishing, and I wanted to talk to him for a few minutes and ask for some advice.

After a couple rings, the author answered the phone; and I introduced myself. I didn’t even tell him why I was calling, I just said my name. But I’ll never forget how he responded after my brief introducti­on. He gently asked, “Catherine, how can I help you?”

I was taken back for a moment by his question. Yet, clearly, this gentleman understood the principle of kindness. With just a few words of advice, a recommenda­tion or wise counsel, you can open up someone’s eyes to new experience­s and wonderful possibilit­ies for their future.

Through the years, readers have written to me and shared some of the acts of kindnesses that they carry out to bring a little light into the lives of others. Here are a few: Write an, “I love you” note and place it in your child’s lunchbox or on their pillow. Sincerely compliment your spouse often. Say, “thank you” for a job well-done. Bring homemade goodies in to your co-workers. Help out a neighbor with their yard work. Provide food to a shelter, or take a bag of groceries to a family in need. Offer a ride to church or the store to someone who doesn’t drive. Adopt a pet if you can. Pass on to others the books you have read, children’s books and clothes that they have outgrown. Pay for someone’s coffee. Give a gift anonymousl­y. Share your creativity and organize a charity event.

There is a quote from the movie Wonder that I liked: “The best way to measure how much you’ve grown isn’t by inches or the number of laps you can now run around the track, or even your grade point average — though those things are important, to be sure. It’s what you’ve done with your time, how you’ve chosen to spend your days, and whom you’ve touched this year. That, to me, is the greatest measure of success.”

God created you with your own set of unique talents and abilities. Draw on your one-of-a kind gifts; make the most of them and God will bless you abundantly, as you determine to forge ahead inspired to ‘choose kindness.’ And you’ll make the world a better place in which to live.

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