The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Who is best poised to lead the recovery?


Joe Biden is running on his record in the Obama Administra­tion of staging a turnaround after an economic crisis, and last week we reminded readers there’s less to that record than the spin. Conversely, there’s more to President Trump’s economic achievemen­ts in his first three years than his detractors admit, and this debate is crucial to how well the economy recovers after COVID-19.

Mr. Biden and the economic left claim Mr. Trump inherited a long expansion, and nothing much changed. But recall that Mr. Trump was able to win in 2016 in part by running against the “secular stagnation” that liberals said was inevitable. The Obama-Biden recovery was the slowest in decades, and by the second half of 2015 it was losing steam and came close to a recession in 2016.

Mr. Trump promised to spur growth again, and his win immediatel­y revived animal spirits. The NFIB Small Business Optimism Index, which had languished below 100 for all but one month of President Obama’s tenure, jumped 10 points to nearly 106 in December 2016.

In his first two years, Mr. Trump pursued two major policy shifts. Instead of raising taxes as Obama-Biden did, he cut them. The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed by a GOP Congress restored global competitiv­eness to the U.S. corporate tax code, years after even European government­s cut their marginal rates.

Tax reform also encouraged business investment by allowing immediate 100% expensing of capital spending. The result of these measures was a capex surge, with job creation and productivi­ty gains in its wake.

The other track was deregulati­on.

The Administra­tion eased restrictio­ns on new energy pipelines, opened new areas to exploratio­n, and rationaliz­ed emissions rules in the energy industry. This spurred a boom in gas and oil production. America is now a net exporter of petroleum products, allowing Washington new freedom to advance American interests in the Middle East and elsewhere.

The Trump Administra­tion also freed banks of the more pointless elements of post2008 regulation. And wouldn’t you know, the financial system still looks set to survive the COVID-19 shutdown.

These policies delivered what they promised, which was a burst of growth.

From the end of 2017 through September 2018 the economy grew by more than 3%.

Work also increased. Unemployme­nt rate fell to 3.5% by September 2019. Many liberal economists had assumed the 4.7% unemployme­nt of November 2016 was a floor. More impressive, this rate declined even as the number of people working increased. Labor participat­ion among the prime working-age population increased to 83.1% as of January this year, a rate not seen since 2008. Participat­ion among working-age men exceeded 89% in early 2018 for the first time since 2010.

Wage growth, adjusted for inflation, accelerate­d after years of stagnation. The improvemen­t was especially pronounced among low-skilled and minority workers left behind by the Obama economy. Median weekly full-time earnings for blacks increased 19% in Mr. Trump’s first three years, to $806. That followed a period of 11% growth during Mr. Obama’s seven post-recession years in office.

The Obama-Biden policy mix of easy monetary policy, higher taxes and hyperregul­ation skewed economic gains toward highly educated workers in industries such as tech and finance at the expense of other workers; toward asset owners at the expense of labor income; and toward larger companies at the expense of smaller.

These inequities began to unwind under the Trump Administra­tion.

Mr. Trump’s main policy mistake has been trade, which added costs by disrupting supply chains, raising tariffs and adding uncertaint­y. Tariffs on industrial inputs such as steel bogged down what could have been a bigger manufactur­ing boom.

Mr. Trump deserves credit for challengin­g Chinese trade abuses and intellectu­al-property theft.

But he has been less effective by refusing to build trade alliances, not least his withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p trade deal that excludes China.

It’s easy to forget this record after the hell millions of Americans have suffered in recent months, and Democrats hope you do.

— Wall Street Journal via


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