The News Herald (Willoughby, OH)

Abortion alternativ­es

Pro-life centers offering options such as adoption, parenting advice to grow, wield more influence post-Roe

- By Kimberlee Kruesi and Leah Willingham

CHARLESTON, W.VA. » “Woman’s Choice,” the sign proclaims in bold pink letters. But despite promising abortion informatio­n and free pregnancy testing, the facility in Charleston, West Virginia, is designed to steer women facing an unwanted pregnancy away from choosing an abortion and possibly toward adoption.

That will become much easier now that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that states like West Virginia can make abortion illegal.

It’s one of hundreds of crisis pregnancy centers nationwide whose aim is to discourage women from seeking abortions. The facilities, which have been accused by abortion centers repeatedly of deceiving women about their true purpose, are expected to wield even more influence in states where the dwindling number of clinics are now canceling abortion appointmen­ts.

Often religiousl­y affiliated, the pro-life centers are not licensed medical facilities and do not provide medical services such as preor post-natal care or other

health care for uninsured women, unlike clinics that offer abortions — which are subject to strict government regulation­s and patient privacy laws. They do sometimes have nurses on staff or as volunteers.

“Basically, these centers are looking around and saying, ‘Our services are going to be needed now more than ever because there’s going to be so many pregnant people who need support during their pregnancy — particular­ly unintended pregnancie­s,’” said Andrea Swartzendr­uber, a University of

Georgia public health professor who has helped map center locations nationwide.

Shortly after Friday’s Supreme Court decision, West Virginia’s only abortion clinic announced it was suspending abortion services, but continuing to provide birth control, STI treatment and other services.

The Charleston antiaborti­on center, which calls itself the Woman’s Choice Pregnancy Resource Center, has been located next to the abortion clinic for years. The people who run it say their work won’t change. They will continue to offer parenting and health classes, counseling for “women who regret a past decision to abort and wish to find comfort from guilt and sadness” and provide “facts about abortion risks — both physical and psychologi­cal,” they said in an email to The Associated Press.

The board also said staff must complete training emphasizin­g the importance of clients’ “right to be respected regardless of their decision.”

At the clinic next door, called the Women’s Health Center of West Virginia, executive director Katie Quinonez has her doubts about such statements. She has repeatedly seen patients seeking to end their pregnancie­s lured into the anti-abortion center and bombarded with warnings about abortion risks. Some who found their way to her office have shared pamphlets declaring that “abortion causes new problems that can haunt a woman for the rest of her life.”

One titled “Abortion — Living Without Regret” shows a woman crying on the cover and lists “abortion risks,” including “suicidal feelings,” “death” and “cervical incompeten­ce.”

Quinonez said she worries about the dozens of patients whose abortion appointmen­ts were cancelled after the Supreme Court decision came down.

“I’m incredibly concerned,” she said. “It’s possible that they could think maybe there is another provider and state that’s doing abortions. ‘How about I call ‘A Woman’s Choice,’ located in Charleston?’ and then they make an appointmen­t and go there because they’ve been lied to by a fake clinic that says ‘Yes, we can provide you with care.’”

While the anti-abortion centers are mostly mum about their plans now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned, experts say they’re likely to redouble efforts to persuade women not to end their pregnancie­s. The logistics work in their favor, since many women won’t have the legal option of abortion without leaving their state.

The centers have been expanding in every state with support from wealthy conservati­ve donors, powerful state lawmakers and religious institutio­ns. They’ve also received tens of millions of tax dollars funneled to them by conservati­ve state leaders.

Left-leaning states have shown more willingnes­s to regulate how the centers advertise their services. Last year Connecticu­t banned them from using “deceptive advertisin­g” about the services they provide.

Connecticu­t had 18 health clinics that provided abortions as of 2018; there are also around 20 crisis pregnancy centers.

“As we head into this new world and into this next phase, I think it’s more important than ever for women to be able to access medically accurate informatio­n,” said Democratic Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, who sponsored the Connecticu­t legislatio­n.

“The last thing we want is for women to be at what they believe to be a health clinic only to receive misinforma­tion about their options.”

Nationally, crisis pregnancy centers outnumber abortion clinics more than 3 to 1, but in Republican­led states the numbers can be far higher, according to a 2021 report from The Alliance: State Advocates for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality. Some 2,500 centers are located across the country, while there are fewer than 800 abortion clinics.

 ?? LEAH M. WILLINGHAM — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A sign advertises free pregnancy tests and abortion informatio­n outside the Woman’s Choice Pregnancy Resource Center June 17 in Charleston, W.Va. The pro-life center is located next to Women’s Health Center of West Virginia, seen in background left, the only abortion provider in the state.
LEAH M. WILLINGHAM — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A sign advertises free pregnancy tests and abortion informatio­n outside the Woman’s Choice Pregnancy Resource Center June 17 in Charleston, W.Va. The pro-life center is located next to Women’s Health Center of West Virginia, seen in background left, the only abortion provider in the state.

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