The News-Times (Sunday)

America’s feuding might cost us the return of sports


This week my wife went into a store in Annapolis, Maryland, where she, the owner and a whitehaire­d 6-foot-6 customer in a Navy hat were the only ones in the place, which had a sign reading “Masks required.”

A man entered with no mask. My wife said, “The sign says ‘masks.’ ”

“Why should I?” he said. The big old man bellowed at full Navy volume, “GET OUT OF HERE!”

The barefaced guy got out. Fast. Later, he came back — with a mask.

This little story points in many directions, but one of them troubles me most: America is no longer a team. And it’s killing us. Many of us.

Our clubhouse is so full of feuding, selfishnes­s, team-last egos and backstabbi­ng that we can’t even agree to wear a face mask during a plague. Our fury is so close to the surface that a few words lead to screams. If the world were a sports league, we’d be a franchise falling apart fast.

Of course, the world really is a competitiv­e league — but an economic one. In that race, in controllin­g the pandemic, we are far behind Asia, where, just to illustrate, Japan and South Korea are playing baseball, and the European Union, where pro soccer is back in England, Germany and Spain.

The gap is incredibly embarrassi­ng. If you want to know why, among many more serious American problems, we may have no more MLB, NFL, NBA or NHL this year, consider Monday’s stats.

The seven largest EU countries, with a combined population around the same as our 330 million people, had 6% as many new COVID-19 cases as the U.S.: 1,939 to 31,496. Texas and California had more than 5,000 new cases each.

In April, the EU was just as big a health disaster as America. But the EU still operates like a team — one that believes in science and has the discipline to fight together against a pandemic. Now, the results are in.

On Tuesday, the EU banned Americans from going to Europe when their restrictio­ns on travel lift July 1. For the first time, a continent just said, “We don’t want your American tourist dollars. You’re not worth the risk.”

The easy out is to blame politics, especially President Donald Trump and the GOP, but it’s a lot more, too. A huge piece of America’s core character — such as our collective intelligen­ce and common sense, our unselfishn­ess and cooperatio­n, our tolerance for our difference­s, key qualities that made us great — have deteriorat­ed. Is that what decadence looks like in an empire that has passed its peak, but doesn’t know it yet?

It’s ironic that, in the capital of politics, Washington sports fans know what “teamwork” looks like. We’ve seen how championsh­ip teams put their common goals ahead of individual interests. Everyone is allowed their views. The Capitals know Alex Ovechkin is a supporter of Russian president Vladimir Putin. Not all of them like that, but it never became an issue in their Stanley Cup win. When the team comes first, you search for ways not to fuss or unravel. You absolutely do not seek reasons to fight.

Right now, the United States wakes up every day ready to brawl — with itself.

Good teams grasp the basic level of putting the team first: “We can’t win unless we all do this.” You either buy in or you go out.

Right now, our country can’t even buy into using masks in situations where scientists say it will cut the rate of virus transmissi­on by 80%.

We’re so divided we can’t agree to take one step — just 3 more feet — between each other when we are in groups. Social distancing — 6 feet, not 3 — is evidently just too big a sacrifice.

After the Nationals won the World Series last year, some players accepted an invitation to play golf with Trump. Other Nats have criticized Trump or his policies. When I went to spring training in February and March, I wondered if there’d be cracks in the team. I didn’t sense any. When “winning” is the issue, check your race, politics, religion, sexuality and every other darn thing at the door.

America can’t do that anymore. For two centuries we could. Is that really gone?

Maybe there’s some hope. On Monday afternoon, every member of the NASCAR community marched down an Alabama racetrack behind driver Bubba Wallace, some pushing his car, as everyone cheered. The reason? A noose was found in the garage stall assigned to Wallace’s team, less than two weeks after Wallace — the sport’s only African American driver and a strong supporter of Black Lives Matter — urged

NASCAR to ban the Confederat­e flag from its races, which it did.

Federal investigat­ors concluded Tuesday the noose-like thing had been there for months with no link to Wallace or any hate crime.

So we have doubly good news. No one evidently did anything wrong. But NASCAR’s support of Wallace when it thought he had been targeted will be recalled and admired for years. Every member of NASCAR marched behind Wallace. Not all of them believe everything that he believes.

Now, we know what it looks like when Americans, who don’t agree on everything and probably disagree on lots of things, stand together and vow that there are some things we all agree on. NASCAR showed that when an issue is powerful and at the core of our beliefs, we can still act like a team.

Each day, sometimes each week, sports fans discuss when or if our games will return. We ask as if owners, players, unions and deciding medical protocols are the main issues. They are not. The reason sports are returning in the EU and not yet here has nothing to do with any of that.

If you want to know why there might be no MLB or NFL season this year, and the NBA and NHL might not resume, it is for two main reasons. The first is the pandemic. But the second is America’s sickly sense of team.

If we all want to see our country recover — and sports returning is just a small part of that — follow health experts’ guidance on social distancing and crowd sizes. And for all our sake, perform an act so minimal, yet as vital as life and death: Mask America great again.

 ?? Chris Graythen / Getty Images ?? Bubba Wallace takes a selfie with NASCAR drivers who pushed him to the front of the grid as a sign of solidarity before the GEICO 500 on Monday at Talladega.
Chris Graythen / Getty Images Bubba Wallace takes a selfie with NASCAR drivers who pushed him to the front of the grid as a sign of solidarity before the GEICO 500 on Monday at Talladega.

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