The News-Times

Conn. is no Strict Daddy


Pretending there is such a thing as “settled law” when it comes to a woman’s body is a fool’s errand, and it will remain so as long as he-man woman haters write our laws.

Around the country, state legislator­s are doing their best to eliminate women’s access to safe abortions. In Texas, a law that shrinks the window for abortion to about six weeks, and encourages private citizens to be vigilantes sailed through the legislatur­e. Idaho quickly followed suit. In my home state of Missouri, legislator­s want to penalize anyone who gets an abortion, even if they go to another state to do so. For a while, those same Missouri legislator­s actually considered banning abortions for ectopic pregnancie­s — which can kill a woman. But if you’re already thinking of women as strictly holding pens until fetuses are viable, a woman’s health is not really a considerat­ion, now, is it?

In the bluest of blue states, Connecticu­t, legislator­s are discussing whether residents could be held liable by those vigilantes in other states, if Connecticu­t residents help people who cross the state line to get abortions here.

Forgive me, but there’s historic precedent for states trying to force other states to enforce their bad laws. It doesn’t work, not then and not now.

How did we get to such a ridiculous place? Linguist George Lakoff wrote in “Moral Politics: What Conservati­ves Know that Liberals Don’t” that the conservati­ve views the world as a traditiona­l family, with a Strict Father at the helm. Liberals, said Lakoff, see the world family as more nurturing and less ruled by fear.

The conservati­ve approach supposes that people need to be led — by straight white men — who will make decisions for them, and those decisions range from the economic to the deeply personal — such as whether a grown woman can or should be sexually active.

Strict Daddy is everywhere. In states where Strict Daddy wants to take away a woman’s right to abortion, there festers attendant legislatio­n that seeks to put contracept­ives out of reach as well. So, this isn’t strictly about privacy or protecting fetuses. This goes deeper, and it shows itself in every way imaginable.

Last week, Strict Daddy mentality allowed — and even encouraged — a pack of legislator­s to badger, interrupt and harangue a highly qualified (Black female) candidate for the Supreme Court. Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s resume is a call to arms for people who are in over their heads. She raises the cosmic bar, and those senators knew it, and they reacted like whiny children.

As he questioned Judge Jackson, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Connecticu­t’s member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, mentioned “straw men,” “worn talking points” and “imagined grievances.” These, in fact, formed the framework of comments by Sen. Lindsey Graham, who couldn’t understand why 20 years ago, Democrats didn’t immediatel­y confirm another African-American woman, retired U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Janice Rogers Brown, a conservati­ve whom even conservati­ve columnist George Will found outside the mainstream. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights opposed her confirmati­on in the early 2000s, because, according to the group, then-California Supreme Court Justice Brown — who was eventually confirmed, by the way — had demonstrat­ed “a strong, persistent and disturbing hostility toward affirmativ­e action, civil rights, the rights of individual­s with disabiliti­es, workers’ rights and the fairness of the criminal justice system.”

In other words, she was not a judge Democrats could support, but Sen. Graham has never let the facts get in the way of a televised meltdown. And besides, in Graham’s world, two women who belong to the same race and share at least one name must certainly be the same woman. In Graham’s world, not supporting Brown — who is, after all, Black — was racist on the part of Democrats because Brown is, after all, Black.

That smells like racism from here, and if someone could let Sen. Graham know, that would be great.

It’s tempting to think that this is the mentality we now confront, but this is the mentality women — particular­ly women of color — have always faced. It is not new. And conservati­ves committed to taking America back to those halcyon years when women and people of color couldn’t vote have been among our legislator­s all along. In my grandparen­ts’ day, those same people decried “modernity,” which included (but was not limited to) the telephone, moving pictures and shorter hem lines on women.

If their concerns have changed (immigrants, women, gays, lesbians and members of the trans community), conservati­ves have never stopped fund-raising, never stopped sponsoring ignorant billboards, never stopped hosting events such as their socalled March for Life last week in Hartford. The words on the posters may change (“Black Babies’ Lives Matter”), but the fear and overall conceit that women can’t possibly make choices for themselves are eternal.

Last week’s march was its first time in Hartford, which is hours and hours away from the sponsors’ regular stomping grounds in D.C. Does coming to Hartford mean Strict Daddy thinks progressiv­e Connecticu­t, home of Griswold v. Connecticu­t , where a woman’s right to choose has been codified into our state law, is a potential win?

No, I can’t believe I’m still protesting this stuff either. But here we are. And Strict Daddies everywhere? Bring it.

Susan Campbell is the author of “Frog Hollow: Stories from an American Neighborho­od,” “Tempest-Tossed: The Spirit of Isabella Beecher Hooker” and “Dating Jesus: A Story of Fundamenta­lism, Feminism and the American Girl.” She is Distinguis­hed Lecturer at the University of New Haven, where she teaches journalism.

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