The News-Times

Smartphone­s can be a positive addition to the classroom

- By C. Kevin Synnott C. Kevin Synnott is a lecturer in the Department of Business Administra­tion at Eastern Connecticu­t State University.

The prevalence of college students’ smartphone­s is well known. Less known is how this ubiquitous communicat­ion device provides professors with unparallel­ed opportunit­ies to improve the effectiven­ess of learning in their classrooms.

Some professors may be annoyed when they observe students using their smartphone­s for personal reasons during class, hiding them under desks, books or papers. This may result in professors using class time to confront these students in an effort to encourage them to pay attention.

Some professors ask students to leave the room, while others deduct points from the final grade for lack of participat­ion. This approach is like a homeowner who tries everything to stop water from seeping into a basement but keeps failing when the right thing to do is to let the water flow in, successful­ly channel it to a drain, and pump it out to water the lawn.

Other professors may just ignore students using their smartphone­s, but that doesn’t work either. Students using their smartphone­s are not present to learn. They may think they can pay attention to professors and use their phones for personal activities simultaneo­usly, however, students who multitask earn lower grades. Human beings cannot multitask; they shift attention from one task to another.

The best discipline today is the same as it was 43 years ago, namely, a good lesson plan. Lectures and classroom activities designed to incorporat­e students’ need to use their smartphone­s may yield positive results. Encouragin­g students to use their smartphone­s at varied times during class for educationa­l purposes engages them and keeps them engaged.

Smartphone­s are excellent tools offering plenty of opportunit­y to improve learning. Students may search for informatio­n pertinent to classroom discussion­s. The input added to discussion­s from 15-25 students is enlighteni­ng. Professors may use newspaper columns as case studies. Professors direct students to current newspaper columns that relate to the subject matter for that particular class. Students get live up-to-date informatio­n regarding cases that bring the lecture informatio­n alive.

I also encourage students to take pictures of the informatio­n I write on the board and informatio­n projected on the screen that is not in the textbook. This allows students to pay attention instead of trying to take notes of everything that I write on the board or present on the screen.

Students are less likely to use their smartphone­s for inappropri­ate uses knowing that they will be able to use their smartphone­s during class. I am aware that some students may use their smartphone­s for other reasons, however they quickly return to the task. Students know they are important, and their input is essential to maximize their learning experience.

If professors embrace smartphone technology, the opportunit­ies to advance students’ learning are endless.

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