The Nome Nugget



1. African nation

7. __ fi (slang)

10. Not arranged according to size

12. A demand for a show of hands in a card game

13. Having a play of lustrous rainbowlik­e colors

14. Panama has one

15. Taking legal action

16. Top of the body

17. Part of (abbr.)

18. Soul and calypso song

19. Murres

21. Irish river

22. Accepts as true

27. The Bay State

28. 1950s Hollywood icon

33. Blood type

34. In a way, became lost

36. large primate

37. A spongelike cake leavened with yeast

38. Mama __, folk singer

39. Visual metaphor (computers)

40. Trim by cutting

41. Small group of people

44. Pulitzer-winning scientist

45. Unique S. American mammal

48. Energy, style and enthusiasm

49. One who works for you

50. Snakelike fish

51. Consumers


1. Cylindrica­l sacs

2. Extinct North Germanic language

3. late rocker Allman

4. Word element meaning ear

5. Amino acid (abbr.)

6. Promotions

7. Actress lathan

8. Clothed

9. Unwell

10. loosen

11. Cephalopod mollusks

12. __ at Obdurata: Harmful papal bull

14. Musical compositio­n

17. Irish bar

18. Greek island

20. Afflict

23. Goes by

24. Ambience

25. Video game manufactur­er

26. Surplus Marketing Administra­tion

29. Football position

30. Electronic musical style (abbr.)

31. Furniture with open shelves

32. Clouds of gas in outer space

35. Indian midwife

36. Packers’ signal caller

38. Secret political clique

40. Cry weakly

41. Gomer __, marine

42. Academic Bill of Rights

43. Negatives

44. Hip hop icon Kool Moe __

45. Soul singer __ lo

46. Doctors' group

47. Parts per thousand (abbr.)

 ??  ??

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