The Norwalk Hour

Facing parents’ divorce causes anger

- Amy Dickinson Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. e-mail:

Dear Amy: I’m a 30-something whose parents (both in their 60s) are on the edge of divorce. Their marital discord has affected me my whole life.

As children, my siblings and I listened to their frequent fights and bickering. Unfortunat­ely, their dissatisfa­ction with their lives translated into my father making us feel like he didn’t like us very much, and my mother leaning too heavily on us for emotional support. This dynamic has continued into adulthood.

Over the past two years, my father has spent much of his time living in another state, coming home only in the summertime and during holidays. He recently visited and my mother intimated to us kids that she wants a divorce.

I am a mess of emotions — anger and sadness. I wish they would have divorced long ago. I wish they were better communicat­ors and kinder to one another. I wish they never let their problems become our problems.

I don’t know what to expect or how to deal with what’s next. Even though I realize everyone would likely be better off if they divorce, it is still very painful.

And what if my mom backs out, as she has been known to do? I am hurt and resentful that their marital strife has played too big a role in my life, both as a child and as an adult. I’ve hit a breaking point.

What can I do? How do I face what happens next?

Adult Child of Divorce

Dear Adult: Facing your parents’ divorce will naturally make you revisit your childhood feelings and emotions — including sadness that it is happening, as well as anger that it didn’t happen sooner. These two emotions seem to be in conflict, which makes things more confusing for you.

But you are no more responsibl­e for their relationsh­ip than they are for any of your relationsh­ips. You should seek insight into how to create healthy boundaries with them. I think it’s appropriat­e for you to express your disappoint­ment in their choices over the years. Perhaps they will acknowledg­e this and ask for forgivenes­s — probably not.

You cannot do their emotional work for them. You cannot undo their regrettabl­e actions.

You CAN do you. Therapy would help you navigate through this passage.

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