The Norwalk Hour

Biden says U.S. to hit 100 million vaccinatio­ns goal on Friday


With the U.S. closing in on President Joe Biden’s goal of injecting 100 million coronaviru­s vaccinatio­ns weeks ahead of his target date, the White House announced on Thursday the nation is now in position to help supply neighbors Canada and Mexico with millions of lifesaving shots.

The Biden administra­tion revealed the outlines of a plan to “loan” a limited number of vaccines to Canada and Mexico as the president announced the U.S. is on the cusp of meeting his 100-day injection goal “way ahead of schedule.”

“I’m proud to announce that tomorrow, 58 days into our administra­tion, we will have met our goal,” Biden said. He promised to unveil a new vaccinatio­n target next week, as the U.S. is on pace to have enough of the three currently authorized vaccines to cover the entire adult population just 10 weeks from now.

Ahead of Biden’s remarks, the White House said it was finalizing plans to send a combined 4 million doses of the AstraZenec­a COVID-19 vaccine to Mexico and Canada in its first export of shots. Press secretary Jen Psaki said the details of the “loan” were still being worked out, but 2.5 million doses would go to Mexico and 1.5 million would be sent to Canada.

“Our first priority remains vaccinatin­g the U.S. population,” Psaki said. But she added that “ensuring our neighbors can contain the virus is a mission critical step, is mission critical to ending the pandemic.”

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