The Norwalk Hour

Friend’s pregnancy changes dynamic

- Jeanne Phillips

Dear Abby: I’m in my late 20s, married and happily child-free. My best friend recently became pregnant, and I am having a hard time with it. I don’t enjoy children, and it feels like I am losing my best friend. All she wants to talk about is the baby. I’ve tried hinting that I’ll be here when she and her husband need a break from being “Mom and Dad,” but she continues to talk on and on about the all-consuming baby.

I know this is a huge part of her life, but I also know she has plenty of other support for this child. I would hope she realizes that I do not care for children or wish to be around them. How can

I let her know that the last thing I want to hear about are diapers and prams?

Child-Free in Wisconsin

Dear Child-Free: I am sorry you feel so negative about the topics of babies and children, because your intoleranc­e will eventually isolate you from friends and peers. If you voice what you are thinking, you will alienate your best friend.

Limit the conversati­ons and visits you have with her. Do NOT write her off, however, because it is possible that in time she will be reaching out to you.

Dear Abby: I have been working from home since last March. My fiance, on the other hand, has a manual labor job in a skilled trade. Abby, it seems like every other day he picks a fight with me because he thinks I should have the house clean, chores done and dinner cooked when he returns from work, despite the fact that I have been working at my job all day.

He equates my being home to me being able to take care of all the chores. He criticizes me and calls me lazy and other names all the time.

I have an opportunit­y now where some of us can come back to the office, but because I have an autoimmune disease, I’m hesitant. Should I go back to the office to keep the peace or remain working from home, which I enjoy?

Telecommut­ing in Florida

Dear Telecommut­ing: Your physical health must come first. If returning to the office will endanger your health, you must stay home and protect it.

Your mental health comes next. Your fiance appears to be having a chauvinist­ic fever dream in which he has been transporte­d back to the 1950s.

If he can’t chip in, then for the sake of your health and your sanity, PLEASE rethink this engagement, because it is unhealthy.

Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

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