The Norwalk Hour

2 years into pandemic, world takes cautious steps forward


With COVID-19 case numbers plummeting, Emily Safrin did something she hadn’t done since the pandemic began two years ago: She put her fears aside and went to a concert.

The fully vaccinated and boosted restaurant server planned to keep her mask on, but as the reggaeton star Bad Bunny took the stage and the energy in the crowd soared, she ripped it off. Soon after, she was strolling unmasked in a trendy Portland neighborho­od with friends.

Two years after the World Health Organizati­on declared COVID-19 a pandemic, changing the world overnight, relief and hope are creeping back in after a long, dark period of loss, fear and deep uncertaint­y about the future.

“Everyone was supposed to be vaccinated or have a negative test, and I said, ‘What the heck, I’m just gonna live my life,’” Safrin said of her concert experience. “It was overwhelmi­ng, to be honest, but it also felt great to be able to just feel a little bit normal again.”

The world is finally emerging from a brutal stretch of winter dominated by the highly contagious omicron variant, bringing a sense of relief on the two-year anniversar­y of the start of the pandemic.

It was March 11, 2020 when the WHO issued its declaratio­n, driving home the severity of the threat faced by a virus that at that point had wreaked havoc primarily in Italy and China. The U.S. had 38 confirmed coronaviru­s deaths and 1,300 cases nationwide on that date, but reality was starting to sink in: stocks tanked, classrooms started closing and people began donning masks. In a matter of hours, the NBA was canceling games, Chicago’s huge St. Patrick’s Day parade was scuttled and late-night comedians began filming from empty studios — or even their homes.

Since then, more than 6 million people have died globally, nearly 1 million in the U.S. Millions have been thrown out of work, students have endured three school years of disruption­s. The emergence of the vaccine in December 2021 saved countless lives but political divisions, hesitancy and inequality in health systems have kept millions of people around the world from getting inoculated, prolonging the pandemic.

The situation is improving, however.

Hospitaliz­ations of people with COVID-19 have plummeted 80 percent in the last six weeks across the U.S. since a mid-January pandemic peak, dropping to the lowest levels since July 2021, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Case counts have followed the same trend line to the lowest counts since last summer as well. Even the death tally, which typically lags behind cases and hospitaliz­ations, has slowed significan­tly in the last month.

In its latest pandemic report, the WHO said infections and deaths are down across the globe, with only one region — the Western Pacific — seeing a rise in cases. The Middle East and Africa saw cases drop by 46 percent and 40 percent, respective­ly.

Another positive: The omicron wave and vaccinatio­ns have left enough people with protection against the coronaviru­s that future spikes will likely require much less disruption to society, experts say.

Nowhere is the shift in the pandemic more apparent than in the nation’s hospitals, where critical care units were overflowin­g with desperatel­y ill patients just months ago.

Mask mandates, vaccine requiremen­ts and other COVID-19 measures are being eliminated everywhere. The last statewide mask mandate in the U.S., in Hawaii, will end in two weeks.

But health experts are also urging some caution.

Dr. Albert Ko, an infectious­disease physician and epidemiolo­gist at the Yale School of Public Health, said it’s certainly good news that the U.S. seems to be at the tail end of a peak. But he cautioned against any victory declaratio­ns, especially with the potential of another variant lurking around the corner.

“We have new variants emerge and those new variants fuel large waves, epidemic waves,” Ko said. “The big question is, are they going to be as mild or less severe as omicron? Are they going to be potentiall­y more severe? Unfortunat­ely, I can’t predict that.“

Demand for testing is down, too.

Jaclyn Chavira remembers the fear on peoples’ faces as they lined up by the thousands in Los Angeles to be tested during the late 2020 surge, which triggered an astonishin­g 250,000 infections and more than 3,000 deaths a day across the U.S. at the peak.

At the height of the omicron surge, Chavira’s nonprofit called CORE did 94,000 tests a week at 10 sites in Los Angeles County. Last week, they conducted about 3,400 and most of them were for work or travel requiremen­ts — not because the person was sick, she said.

“You can sense the relief,” said Chavira.

Not everyone, however, is ready to dive back in. Many remember last year when mask rules eased and COVID-19 seemed to be loosening its grip only to come roaring back as the delta and omicron variants took hold.

Amber Pierce, who works in a Portland bar-restaurant, was out of work for almost a year due to COVID-related layoffs and narrowly dodged an infection herself when the virus swept through her workplace. A regular customer died during this winter’s peak, she said.

She still wears a mask even when outdoors and was eating pizza outside on a recent day only because her brother was visiting for the first time in more than a year.

“I’m going to make sure that there’s not a spike once those masks come off and everyone starts, you know, feeling comfortabl­e,” she said, as she applied hand sanitizer.

“It’s still the anxiety of it,” she said. “Either way, it’s going to hit you whether you get really sick or not.”

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